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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for input to the report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls to the UN General Assembly on violence against women and girls in sport

Issued by

Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls

Last updated

08 October 2024


Submissions now online (See below)

Purpose: The thematic report will be presented to the UN General Assembly at its 79th session in October 2024 and will examine the issue of violence against women and girls in sport.

In the world of sport, the risk of violence against women and girls is disproportionately high, with almost 21% of professional women athletes having experienced sexual abuse as a child in sport – almost double the rate of male athletes. The risk of such abuse is especially high for women and girls who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and violence, such as women and girls with disabilities, migrant and refugee women, as well as women and girls from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, among others.  In recent years there have been numerous court cases revealing physical, emotional, and sexual abuse perpetrated against women and girl athletes of all ages by persons of authority within sport leadership, or by other peers.

Over the years, there have been several high-profile cases involving individuals who were part of the entourage supporting women and girl athletes, who exploited their position and the associated power imbalance to subject young women and girls to sexual assault, abuse, and other forms of violence. For every one of the cases that have been exposed, it is safe to assume that there are many others that have yet to be reported. The issue is intricately connected to a specific form of violence against women: economic violence.  In sports, women and girl athletes are not only vulnerable to physical and emotional abuse but may also experience economic violence through disparities in opportunities, sponsorships, and access to resources. This issue goes beyond isolated incidents, highlighting a systemic challenge that demands comprehensive attention and action. The discrimination experienced in the context of sport further restricts women's access to resources, perpetuating a cycle of limited opportunities. Some sport’s governing bodies have taken the necessary steps to address the extent of such abuse, and to adopt measures to limit or end it.

Reviews adopted by some national sports federations have identified factors that tend to increase the risk of abuse of women and girls in sports, such as the power dynamic between coach and athlete, usually compounded by an age and experience gap; the drive for achievement which both share but which only one can deliver; the high stakes and sometimes short timeframe within which success can be achieved; the difficult balance being struck between pushing the mind and body for more and pushing too far. In some sports, this is aggravated by a culture of “no pain no gain”.

Women representatives from sports associations have also expressed concern about safeguarding, and the risk of exposure to sexual assault and violence as well as lack of privacy, due to the access by peers to female changing rooms, locker rooms and bathrooms without the consent of women and girls.

Furthermore, in some jurisdictions, sports traditionally reserved for female athletes, are now open to male athletes based on their gender identity and who identify as women and girls. This has had significant human rights implications for all women and girls, including their right to equality and non-discrimination. It also raised questions regarding fairness, in sports as well as the full participation in education, culture, and sports as well as society as a whole.

These realities raise questions under the duty of state and non-state actors in preventing incidents of discrimination and violence against all women and girls, as well as the obligation to protect and assist survivors/victims of violence and ensure that they have access to effective investigation and reparations, including non-repetition.


The Special Rapporteur would like to receive input to better understand the forms of violence that women and girls experience in sports and the causes and consequences of such violence.

Key questions and types of input/comments sought

The Special Rapporteur seeks input and feedback from the following relevant actors to one or more of the questions below:  Women and girls in sports; international, regional and national sports associations and sports organizations; representatives, parents or guardians of women and girls involved in sports; relevant State institutions and Ministries that facilitate the involvement of women and girls in sports; academics and experts on sport; United Nations organizations, national human rights institutions, and other relevant stakeholders within the sports ecosystem (such as the Olympic movement, international sports federations; professional unions, clubs, and other relevant commercial entities).

  1. What are the different forms of violence that women and girls in sports may experience (e.g. physical, psychological, economic, online violence, coercive control, as well as extreme form of discrimination that amounts to violence)?
  2. What human rights of women and girls in sports are violated as a result of the exposure of women and girls in sports to violence or the risk of violence?
  3. Which actors are responsible for committing acts of violence against women and girls and increasing the risks of violence against women and girls in sports?
  4. What are the principal causes of the violence that women and girls experience in sports, including the structural causes of such violence?
  5. Which groups of women and girls in sports are more exposed to violence and on what grounds?
  6. What are the responsibilities of State and non-State actors in preventing acts of violence against women and girls in sport, including in adopting measures to investigate it, and to hold those responsible for it accountable, and to provide assistance and protection to survivors of violence?
  7. What measures do State and non-State actors have in place to ensure that incidents of violence against women and girls in sports can be effectively reported, and that they are thoroughly investigated and sanctioned?
  8. To what extent are women and girls in sport, as well as the associations that represent them being effectively involved and consulted in the design and implementation of policies that are meant to end severe discrimination and violence against women and girls in sport at the national, regional, and international level?
  9. Please provide examples of good practice that have been adopted by State and non-State actors with regards to ending violence against women and girls in sports?
  10. What are the lessons learned from policies and legislations that have been adopted and implemented with regards to women and girls in sports and their implications on the safety, security, dignity, equality and participation of women and girls in sports?
  11. Please provide recommendations as to how violence against women and girls in sport can be prevented and what needs to be done to better respond to the needs of survivors of such violence?

Respondents may wish to answer some but not all these questions and provide information focusing on either women, girls, or both.

Type of submissions and how inputs will be used

Should the number of submissions remain manageable, they will be published on the mandate’s website. If the authors wish for their submissions to remain confidential, the Special Rapporteur kindly requests that it be explicitly state. If the submission is on behalf of any woman or girl that has been a victim, the consent of the victim must be obtained. If the victim is a minor, the consent from the guardian or parent must also be attained.

Inputs Received

Inputs Received

Argentina: note verbale | input

Austria: note verbale-1 | note verbale-2 | input


Brazil: note verbale | input


Chile: note verbale-1 | note verbale-2 | input



El Salvador

Guatemala: input-1 | input-2



Kenya: input-1 | input-2








Portugal: input-1 | input-2

Saudi Arabia: input-1 | input-2

Serbia: note verbale | input-2 | input-1


Spain: note verbale | input

Spain (Basque County): input-1 | input-2


UAE: note verbale | input


CDHCM_Contribución_ Mujeres y niñas en el deporte

CNCDH France: input-1 | input-2

Comision de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de Mexico

Commission on Human Rights Philippines

Mexico National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport (CONADE)





Acoso sexual y por razón de sexo en el deporte

ADF International: input-1 | input-2

Affiliation of Australian Women

Alianza Contra El Borrado de las Mujeres: input-1 | input-2

Anum Khan

Assembly of First Nations

Association PEND Slovenia

Australian Feminists for Women's Rights

Broken Chalk

Cathy Devine Independent Scholar

Center for Family and Human Rights

Centre for sport and human rights

Clinicas Juridicas USFQ: input-1 | input-2


Count Me In Consortium

end sexual misconduct in sports

European Gay and Lesbian Federation

European Gay and Lesbian Sports Federation

Facts and Norms Institute

Feminist Legal Clinic Inc.

Femmes solidaires

Femmes Solidaires

FIFPRO: input-1 | input-2

Fiji Women's Rights Movement (FWRM)

Fundacion Para la democracia


Gender and Religious Freedom (GRF)

Global Forum of Communities

Global Observatory of Gender Equality and Sport

Human Rights Campaign

Human Rights Watch


ILGA World, Sport and Rights Alliance, Office against Discrimination, Racism and Intolerance ODRI

Iranian Lesbian and Transgender Network

Kailash Union

Lavendar Patch

Les femmes, la force du changement

Maat for Peace

MEMOMA: input-1 | input-2 | input-3

Mujeres y Deporte AMDP Spain

Ngaanyatjarra, Yankunytjatjara women - Mantatjara Wilson: input-1 | input-2

Organisation Intersex International Europe OII

Our Watch

Outright International

Sex Matters

Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF)

Sports Federations on VAW: input-1 | input-2

The Countess Advocacy Group

The Heritage Foundation

The International Consortium on Female Sport (ICFS)

The Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council (NPYWC)

Transgender Europe, ILGA World, Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE)

Vicepresidencia de Igualdad de la Federación Española de Deportes de Montaña y Escalada (FEDME)


Women Declaration International

Women Sport International: input-1 | input-2 | input-3

Women Win: input-1 | input-2 | input-3

Women's Declaration International: input-1 | input-2 | input-3

Women's Liberation Front: input-1 | input-2

Women's Network for change: input-1 | input-2

Women's Sports Policy Working Group and Champion Women

World Medical Association: input-1 | input-2

Academia and individuals

Cathy Devine, Independent Scholar

Diana C. Flores Flores and Giulia Triolo, Unisalento’s Law Students


Giulio INGROSSO, Gabriele PAGLIARA, Lola TALOVICI, Diego MANCINI: input-1 | input-2

IOC Hijab

Kathryn Bertine

Kindernothilfe e. V

Melisa Garcia: input-1 | input-2

Rosemary Auchmuty and Rosa Freedman

Students from the University of Salento

Universidad de la Sabana: input-1 | input-2 | input-3 | input-4 | input-5 | input-6 | input-7 | input-8

Universidad San Francisco de Quito: input-1 | input-2

University Queer Research and LGBT