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OHCHR Databases

Information Repositories

Anti-discrimination Database
Search for information, policies and measures taken at the international, regional and national levels to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

Human Rights Education and Training Database
Search worldwide for institutions, programmes and materials that aim to foster human rights education and training.

Jurisprudence Database
Access jurisprudence emanating from the United Nations Treaty Bodies that receive and consider complaints from individuals.

Status of Ratification Interactive Dashboard
View the current status of ratification of international human rights treaties through a comprehensive data visualization and mapping portal.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 
Search the UDHR by language
Access translations of the UDHR, a milestone document in the history of human rights, into over 500 different languages and dialects.

Universal Human Rights Index
Access country-specific human rights recommendations and information emanating from international human rights mechanisms in the UN system: the Treaty Bodies, the Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

UN Charter Body Database
Search for documents and information pertaining to UN Charter-based human rights bodies, including the Human Rights Council and its predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights.

UN Treaty Bodies Database
Search for documents and information pertaining to the core international human rights treaties.

Universal Periodic Review
Access information and documents about states that were part of the periodic review of the human rights. It includes documents submitted by countries themselves, UN agencies and external parties.

Special Procedures Database  
Search for documents and information pertaining to the mandates and country visits of the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council.

Special Procedures
Search for communications sent by special procedures and replies received by States and other actors since 2011

Registration Applications

NGO Oral and Written Statement Registration
For Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): Submit oral and written statement registrations for Human Rights Council Sessions.