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Days of general discussion DGD

Day of general discussion on the right to education for persons with disabilities, 2015


15 April 2015

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The Committee, at its twelfth session in September 2014, decided to devote one day of its 13th session to a general discussion on the right to education for persons with disabilities to be held on 15 April 2015.

This decision stemmed from the Committee’s review of the national reports submitted since the beginning of its work and the information pertaining to the implementation of the right to education for persons with disabilities contained in those reports.

In its Concluding Observations, the Committee has expressed its concern that the exclusion in education on the basis of disability experienced by children and adults with disabilities not only constitutes discrimination, but also hinders their meaningful participation on an equal basis with others in all spheres of life.

The Committee has highlighted the importance of the right to education as a cross-cutting theme and of including a human rights approach when developing the national plans for persons with disabilities. Further, the Committee has also emphasized that reasonable accommodation is an immediate obligation to enable participation.

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