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Dónde trabajamos

Lista no exhaustiva de organismos, programas, ONG y fundaciones de las Naciones Unidas que trabajan sobre las formas contemporáneas de esclavitud.

Entidades de la ONU

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:

Todas las formas contemporáneas de esclavitud

Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Derechos Human Rights
Front Line, The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Human Rights Internet
Human Rights Network International database
Human Rights Resource Center
Human Rights Web
New Internationalist
American Anti-Slavery Group (ASSG)
Free the Slaves
Polaris Project
Committee Against Modern Slavery

Tráfico y esclavitud sexual

Coalition against Trafficking in Women
Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women
La Strada International
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking
Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition
Shared Hope International

Trabajo forzoso y explotación de los inmigrantes

International Labor Organisation
International Labor Rights Fund
International Organization for Migration
Kalayaan – Justice for migrant workers
Global Workers Justice Alliance
Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Trades Union Congress UK
Coalition of Labor Union Women
International Organization of Employers
World Confederation of Labour

Niños (trabajo forzado y esclavitud sexual)

International Initiative to End Child Labor
ECPAT International (child prostitution and trafficking of children for sexual purposes)
Save the Children
Child Labor Coalition
Child Rights Information Network
Action Against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children (ALTEN)
Casa Alianza Latina America
Child Rights Information Network
Child Workers in Nepal
Global March Against Child Labour
HAQ: Centre for Child Rights and Campaign to Stop Child Labour
ILO – International Programme of the Elimination of Child Labour
Child Trafficking Digital Library
World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
The World Bank - Child Labour
ECLT Foundation – addressing the challenge of child labour in tobacco growing

Nota: El ACNUDH no es responsable del contenido de los sitios web externos
