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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for contributions: The right to sexual and reproductive health – Challenges and Possibilities during COVID-19

Issued by

Special Rapporteur on the right to health

Last updated

10 June 2021


Submissions now online (See below)

Purpose: To inform the Special Rapporteur’s forthcoming report to the 76th session of the General Assembly


The right to sexual and reproductive health is an integral part of the right to health enshrined in article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and a key priority theme for the work of the Special Rapporteur on the right to physical and mental health during her tenure.

The Special Rapporteur, Tlaleng Mofokeng will focus her next thematic report to the General Assembly on "The right to sexual and reproductive health – challenges and opportunities during COVID – 19".

Objectives of the report

With her report, the Special Rapporteur intends to shed light on the current status/level of realization of the right to sexual and reproductive health and the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of related services, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on the work and previous reports of the mandate, she aims to further develop understanding of the structural and systemic issues preventing all persons from freely and fully enjoying the right to sexual and reproductive health.

She will focus on elements historically neglected, including the impact of colonialism and racism in the enjoyment of these right, with an intersectional approach and will also analyze the impact of COVID -19 and related policies, legal developments and practices on access to sexual and reproductive health services. She will also aim to present challenges and opportunities in the operationalization of the right to sexual and reproductive health in the current context of pandemic.


The questionnaires can be downloaded below in English (original language), French and Spanish (unofficial translations).

Responses can address some of the questions or all of them, as feasible or preferred.

Download the questionnaire (WORD): English | Français | Español

Inputs Received

Inputs Received
Member States

* Late submission

International Organizations
National Human Rights Institutions

Civil Society