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call for input | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Call for input: Comprehensive report on “Importance of casualty recording for the promotion and protection of human rights.”

Issued by

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Last updated

07 June 2023


Submissions now online (See below)

Purpose: To inform the High Commissioner’s report to the Human Rights Council, pursuant to resolution 50/11.


In resolution 50/11, the Human Rights Council requested the High Commissioner “to prepare, in consultation with all States, relevant United Nations entities, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and national human rights institutions, a comprehensive report on the impact of casualty recording on the promotion and protection of human rights, including relevant practices, in particular the role of casualty recording in upholding and fulfilling the rights of victims of armed conflict, post-conflict situations, and gross violations of international human rights law, with a view to making recommendations, as applicable, to States, mechanisms of the Human Rights Council and relevant stakeholders, and to present the report to the Council at its fifty-third session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue.”

Guiding questions on the inputs sought

Please indicate the ways in which reporting on civilian casualties has positively impacted on human rights, the implementation of IHL and the protection of civilians, in particular during situations of armed conflict.  Be as specific as possible, elaborating examples if appropriate.

Please identify the ways that reporting on civilian casualties has had an impact in areas such as missing persons and the right to the truth. Elaborate on the nature and extent of that impact, providing examples, statistics, or details where feasible and illustrative.

Does casualty recording positively impact the fight against impunity, and if so, in what specific ways?  Is casualty recording able to help in the investigation of unlawful deaths, whether or not conflict-related and if so in what aspects?  How does casualty recording impact the right of access to justice for all and the right to obtain effective remedy and reparation when violations occur?

If not previously mentioned, please indicate how casualty recording has achieved a preventative impact?  How has it informed and improved the national, regional, or international responses to civilian casualties when they occur?

How has casualty recording positively impacted on the human rights of women, children, older persons, persons with disabilities and persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities?

Please describe efforts at casualty recording your State, organization or entity has undertaken. Kindly include the context in which it was deployed, the methodology used, the impact it had, recommendations that arose, and reports on its impact.

How inputs will be used

Unless requested otherwise, the information provided may be made available on the OHCHR website (

Inputs Received