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22nd session of the Human Rights Council: Reports

All documents are in PDF 
A/HRC/22/1Annotations to the agenda for the twenty-second session of the Human Rights Council - Note by the Secretary-GeneralPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/1/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/2Report of the Human Rights Council on its 22nd session.
A/HRC/22/3Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - Czech RepublicPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/3/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Español
A/HRC/22/4Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - ArgentinaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/4/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File العربية | English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/5Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - GabonPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/6Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - GhanaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/7Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - UkrainePDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/7/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File 中文 | English | Español
A/HRC/22/8Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - GuatemalaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/8/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/9Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - BeninPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/10Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - Republic of KoreaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/10/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/11Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - SwitzerlandPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/11/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File English
A/HRC/22/12Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - PakistanPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/12/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File 中文 | English | русский
A/HRC/22/13Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - ZambiaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/13/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Español
A/HRC/22/14Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - JapanPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/14/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File 中文 | English | Español
A/HRC/22/15Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - PeruPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/15/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/16Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review - Sri LankaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/16/Add.1Addendum - Views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under reviewPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/17Annual report of the High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/17/Add.1Addendum - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the activities of her office in GuatemalaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/17/Add.2Addendum - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the activities of her office in BoliviaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/17/Add.2/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File Español
A/HRC/22/17/Add.2/Corr.2CorrigendumPDF File العربية | English | Français | русский
A/HRC/22/17/Add.3Addendum- Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in ColombiaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/17/Add.3/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский
A/HRC/22/17/Add.4Addendum- Report on the expert workshops on the prohibition of incitement to national, racial or religious hatredPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/18Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the question of human rights in CyprusPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/19United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture - Note by the Secretary-GeneralPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/20Conclusions and recommendations of the special procedures - Report of the Secretary-GeneralPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/21Report of the Secretary-General on measures taken to implement resolution 9/8 and obstacles to its implementation, including recommendations for further improving the effectiveness of, harmonizing and reforming the treaty body systemPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/21/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/22Special Fund established by the Optional Protocol to the
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment
-  Note by the Secretary-General
PDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/23Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the seminar on the enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights -Note by the Secretary-General PDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/24Report of the Secretary-General on the question of the realization in all countries of economic, social and cultural rightsPDF File | | العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español |
A/HRC/22/24/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/25Thematic study on the work and employment of persons with disabilities - Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/25/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/26Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorismPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/27Rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/28Effective measures and best practices to ensure the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/29Study on common challenges facing States in their efforts to secure democracy and the rule of law from a human rights perspective - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español |
A/HRC/22/30Implementation of Human Rights Council resolution 19/37
on the rights of the child
- Note by the secretariat
PDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/31Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the right of the child to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of healthPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/31/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/32Activities to support efforts by States to strengthen their judiciary system and administration of justice - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF File English
A/HRC/22/32/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/32/Corr.2CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/33Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights  on the situation of human rights in MaliPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/33/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File中文 | Français
A/HRC/22/34Summary of the Human Rights Council panel discussion on the issue of intimidation or reprisal against individuals and groups who cooperate or have cooperated with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rightsPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/35Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights  on the implementation of HRC resolutions S-9/1 & S-12/1PDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/35/Add.1Addendum - Concerns related to adherence to international human rights and international humanitarian law in the context of the escalation between the State of Israel, the de facto authorities in Gaza and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza that occurred from 14 to 21 November 2012PDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/36Report of the Secretary General on the human rights in the occupied Syrian GolanPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español |
A/HRC/22/37Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in AfghanistanPDF File English
A/HRC/22/38Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on advice and technical assistance for the Government of Sri Lanka on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri LankaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/38/Add.1Addendum - Comments by the StatePDF File English
A/HRC/22/39Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights and the work of her office in GuineaPDF File中文 | Français
A/HRC/22/40Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on assistance for Libya in the field of human rights - Note by the SecretariatPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/CRP.2Libya: update of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on cooperation in the field of human rightsPDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/41Report of the open-ended intergovernmental working group to consider the possibility of elaborating an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies on its second sessionPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/42Progress report on the study of the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights on the negative impact of the non-repatriation of funds of illicit origin to the countries of origin on the application by States of the maximum available resources to the full realization of all human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rightsPDF File English
A/HRC/22/43Report of the Independent Expert on the issue of human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, John H. Knox  - Preliminary reportPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/44Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary DetentionPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/44/Add.1Addendum -Opinions adopted by the Working Group on Arbitrary DetentionPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/44/Add.2Addendum - Mission to El SalvadorPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/44/Add.3Addendum - Misión a El Salvador: comentarios del Estato sobre el informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre la detención arbitrariaPDF File Español
A/HRC/22/45Report of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary DisappearancesPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/45/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF Fileالعربية | English | русский
A/HRC/22/45/Add.1Addendum - Mission to ChilePDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/45/Add.2Addendum - Mission to PakistanPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/45/Add.3Addendum -Follow-up to country missions (Morocco and El Salvador)PDF File English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/45/Add.4Addendum - Misión a Chile: comentarios del Estato sobre el informe del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las desapariciones forzadas o involuntariasPDF File Español
A/HRC/22/46Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context, Raquel RolnikPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/46/Add.1Addendum - Mission to the occupied Arab territories and IsraelPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/46/Add.2Addendum - Mission to RwandaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/46/Add.3Addendum - Mission to the World BankPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/47Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defendersPDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/47/Add.1Addendum - Mission to HondurasPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/47/Add.2Addendum - Mission to TunisiaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/47/Add.3Addendum - Mission to IrelandPDF Fileالعربية | English | русский | Español | 中文
A/HRC/22/47/Add.4Addendum - Observations on communicationsPDF File English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/48Report of the Secretary-General  on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of IranPDF File English
A/HRC/22/48/Add.1Addendum - Comments by the StatePDF File English
A/HRC/22/49Report of the Independent Expert onminority issuesPDF Fileالعربية | | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/49/Add.1Addendum - Mission to Bosnia and HerzegovinaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/50Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter - Women’s rights and the right to foodPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/50/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English | русский
A/HRC/22/50/Add.1Addendum - Mission to CanadaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/50/Add.2Addendum - Mission to CameroonPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/50/Add.3Addendum - Mission to the Food and Agriculture OrganizationPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/51Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Heiner BielefeldtPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/51/Add.1Addendum - Mission to CyprusPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/51/Add.2Addendum - Mission to Cyprus: comments by the State on the report of the Special RapporteurPDF File English
A/HRC/22/52Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights  and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism PDF File English
A/HRC/22/53Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishmentPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/53/Add.1Addendum - Mission to TajikistanPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/53/Add.2Addendum - Mission to MoroccoPDF File English | Français
A/HRC/22/53/Add.3Addendum -Follow-up to country missionsPDF FileEnglish | Español
A/HRC/22/53/Add.4Addendum -Observations on communicationsPDF FileEnglish | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/53/Add.5Addendum - Mission to Morocco: comments by the State on the report of the Special RapporteurPDF FileEnglish | Français
A/HRC/22/54Report of the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat Maalla M’jidPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español |
A/HRC/22/54/Add.1Addendum - Mission to GuatemalaPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/54/Add.2Addendum - Mission to HondurasPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/54/Add.3Adición - Visita a Guatemala: comentarios del Estato sobre el informe de la Relatora Especial sobre la venta de niños, la prostitución infantil y la utilización de niños en la pornografíaPDF FileEspañol
A/HRC/22/55Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on violence against childrenPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/56Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of IranPDF File English
A/HRC/22/56/Add.1Addendum - Comments by the StatePDF File English
A/HRC/22/57Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of KoreaPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/58Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in MyanmarPDF FileEnglish
A/HRC/22/58/Add.1Addendum - Comments by the StatePDF File English
A/HRC/22/59Report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab RepublicPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/59/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF Fileالعربية | English
A/HRC/22/60Recommendations of the Forum on Minority Issues at its fifth session: implementing the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities: identifying positive practices and opportunities (27 and 28 November 2012)PDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/61Final study of the Advisory Committee on the promotion of human rights of the urban poor: strategies and best practicesPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/62Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Richard Falk- Note by the SecretariatPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/63Report of the independent international fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East JerusalemPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/64Report of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action on its tenth session - Note by the SecretariatPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/65Report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in HaitiPDF Fileالعربية | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/66Report of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Côte d'IvoirePDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/67Communications report of Special ProceduresPDF File English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/67/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/67/Corr.2CorrigendumPDF File English | Français | Español
A/HRC/22/68Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the international workshop on enhancing cooperation between United Nations and regional mechanisms for the promotion and protection of human rights - Note by the secretariatPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/69Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the composition of the staff of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/69/Corr.1CorrigendumPDF File English
A/HRC/22/70Interim report of the Advisory Committee on human rights and issues related to terrorist hostage-taking - Note by the secretariatPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/71Study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankindPDF Fileالعربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español
A/HRC/22/72Final study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on rural women and the right to foodPDF File العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español