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Induction Course

Before every regular session of the Human Rights Council, the secretariat of the LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund organizes a 2 day induction course in Geneva. On this occasion, beneficiary delegates of the Trust Fund at the session participate together in briefing sessions, organized by the LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund. Staff members of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights brief the beneficiary delegates on a variety of issues relating to their upcoming participation in a regular session of the HRC (mandate of the OHCHR, rules of procedures of the HRC, special procedures, UPR, resolutions/decisions, etc.). This induction course serves also as an opportunity for the beneficiary delegates to be exposed to other important Human Rights mechanisms/topics, such as Treaty Bodies, National Human Rights Institutions, Indigenous and Minority issues, etc. This induction course is offered in addition to the mandatory completion of the E-learning tool, developed by the LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund Secretariat. The induction course is open to representatives of LDCs/SIDS Permanent Missions based in Geneva.