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IMM name: Ombudsman's Office

IMM type: National Human Rights Institution

CRPD ratification date: 15 April 2009

IMM legal framework: N/A

The Plurinational State of Bolivia ratified the CRPD on 15 April 2009. The Plurinational Legislative Assembly of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, in compliance with the CPE, carries out the call, the process of proposals, and the selection of the relevant authorities until their appointment as Ombudsman.

The IMM is a National Human Rights Institution and not part of a Monitoring Framework consisting of another or other entities. The Entities in charge have a mandate established in current legislation. The IMM is also mandated with promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, including through education, outreach, the media, training and capacity building.

The IMM undertakes/has undertaken the following activities:

  • Evaluating policy, legislative and administrative compliance with the CRPD
  • Receiving and considering complaints or reviewing the outcome of complaints received by the NHRI
  • Focusing on monitoring the rights of women and girls with disabilities and reporting
  • Submitting alternative reports to the CRPD Committee and other relevant human rights treaty bodies or international human rights mechanisms.

The IMM’s membership is composed of persons with disabilities and representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities in full capacity of duties and rights. Furthermore, women with disabilities and their representative organizations participate in the membership and managerial functions of the independent monitoring mechanism or framework.

Participation of persons with disabilities in the monitoring process:

In terms of the process of selecting and appointing members to the IMM, the General Law for Persons with Disabilities Law No. 223 of March 2, 2012, establishes consultations with organizations of persons with disabilities. The monitoring activities in which persons with disabilities or their representatives’ organizations have been involved include monitoring public policies and legislation concerning persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities attend the decision-making process of the Independent Monitoring Mechanism - they have a voice throughout the deliberations.

Note: If you wish to rectify or provide more information regarding your IMM, please contact