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The Committee follows procedures that are set out in the following official documents:

Rules of procedure

This document outlines the general rules governing how the Committee works, covering topics such as sessions, agendas, members, working languages, reporting, communications and more.

  • Rules of Procedure CRPD/C/1/Rev.1
  • Rules of Procedure (August 2016) Plain English version
  • Guidelines on independent monitoring frameworks and their participation in the work of the Committee - Annex to CRPD Rules of Procedure CRPD/C/1/Rev.1
Working methods

Continuing from the rules of procedure, the working methods outline the Committee’s operations in more detail.

  • Working Methods document CRPD/C/5/4
  • Guidelines on the participation of disabled persons’ organizations and civil society organizations in the work of the Committee: Annex II to CRPD/C/11/22