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All States parties submit regular reports to the Committee on how the rights are being implemented. States must report within two years of ratifying the Convention, and every four years after that, or whenever requested by the Committee. The Committee examines each report and addresses its concerns and recommendations to the State party in the form of “concluding observations”.

States should consider the reporting process, including the preparation of their reports, as a way to ensure compliance with their international obligations. Reports benefit from broad-based consultation and constructive engagement. States parties should encourage and facilitate the involvement of disabled persons, civil society organizations and NHRIs in the preparation of their reports.

Reporting to the CRPD Committee

These reporting guidelines aim to advise State parties on the form and content of their reports, to ensure reports are comprehensive and presented in a uniform manner.

Simplified reporting procedure

In September 2013, during its 10th session, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted a simplified reporting procedure, for periodic reports which are due in 2014 and beyond.

According to this procedure (CRPD/C/3), the Committee prepares and adopts lists of issues to be transmitted to a State party. The replies of the State party to this list of issues are deemed to constitute the State party’s report. A State must accept the simplified reporting procedure in order to report in this way.

This procedure aims to facilitate the State parties’ reporting process; strengthen States parties’ capacity to fulfil their obligations in a timely and effective manner; provide the Committee with more targeted periodic reports; improve the effectiveness of the treaty monitoring system by reducing the need to request supplementary information before considering a report; and to allow the Committee to plan its work in advance.