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The Committee provides authoritative guidance about the provisions of the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities through general comments. These general comments aim to help States parties to fulfil their obligations.

As of August 2021, the Committee has adopted seven general comments. The full list of adopted general comments are available in the database. Supporting documents on the most recent general comments and submissions received throughout the drafting processes are available below.

Latest general comments
Date adopted General comment and link Topic
9 September 2022 General comment No. 8 (Advance unedited version) Article 27: Work and Employment
21 September 2018 General comment No. 7 Article 4.3 and 33.3: Participation of persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in the implementation and monitoring of the Convention
9 March 2018 General comment No. 6 Article 5: Equality and non-discrimination
31 August 2017 General comment No. 5 Article 19: Right to independent living
26 August 2016 General comment No. 4 Article 24: Right to inclusive education
26 August 2016 General comment No. 3 Article 6: Women and girls with disabilities
11 April 2014 General comment No. 2 Article 9: Accessibility
11 April 2014 General comment No. 1 Article 12: Equal recognition before the law