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OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project IV: Enhancing the accessibility, dissemination and implementation of ARP findings


The OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project (ARP) began in 2014 with the aim of delivering credible and workable recommendations for enhancing accountability and access to remedy in cases of business-related human rights abuse (2-page background on ARP).

During the first six years of the project, three substantive phases were completed, with each phase resulting in recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of one of the three categories of grievance mechanisms referred to in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs):

Each ARP phase was requested by the Human Rights Council, and each ARP report was presented to, and noted with appreciation by, the Council (see resolutions 26/22, 32/10, 38/13 & 44/15).

Following up on the six years of substantive, evidence-based work into how different grievance mechanisms can be made more effective, OHCHR began work on a fourth phase of the project in 2020 to enhance the accessibility, dissemination and implementation of ARP findings (ARP IV).

ARP IV activities will include:

  • Converting ARP materials into more user-friendly, non-expert formats that are available in multiple languages;
  • Creating interpretive and/or operational guides;
  • Developing ARP training materials for different types of stakeholders;
  • Partnering with civil society organizations, business organizations, bar associations, academic networks, and others to better implement ARP findings;
  • Promoting ARP work in relevant events and meetings; and
  • Integrating ARP findings into relevant standard-setting initiatives.

ARP IV is an inclusive, collaborative project, and the ARP IV team is constantly looking for new ideas and partnerships for better promoting ARP findings. Please contact if you would like to share any ideas or information, become involved in the ARP IV work, or ask any question.


ARP Reports

Other Relevant Documents

Human Rights Council Mandates

Events, Meetings, Etc.

This section includes certain events and other types of meetings in which OHCHR took part, and which can be made public. OHCHR is actively seeking to participate in events related to accountability and access to remedy for business-related human rights abuse. If you would like to notify the ARP team of, or invite us to, relevant events, or propose organizing an event with us, please contact

EventDatePlaceAdditional information
GRAM Partnership webinar on accessibility of grievance mechanisms3 April 2024Virtual 
Presentation on stakeholder engagement at Paris Bar Association event7 December 2023France 
GRAM Partnership webinar on OECD Guidelines and access to remedy10 October 2023Virtual 
Conference on Operationalizing Laour Rights5-6 October 2023Sri Lanka
Session at ISEAL Members’ Week on human rights due diligence, accountability, and remedy20 September 2023The Netherlands 
Session on access to remedy and the tech sector13 September 2023Virtual 
Webinar for ISEAL Members on strengthening collaboration for remedy5 July 2023Virtual 
IKI Symposium on 30 years of accountability mechanisms20-21 June 2023Germany
Webinar on remedy under the CS3D8 June 2023Virtual 
Workshop on NHRIs and the CS3D6-7 June 2023Belgium
AfDB IRM event on African perspectives on remedy in development finance5 June 2023Virtual
Workshop for ISEAL Members on delivering substantive remedy26 April 2023Virtual 
OECD Forum 2023 Side Session on inclusive grievance mechanisms13 February 2023Virtual
Training on operational-level grievance mechanisms and the effectiveness criteria7 December 2022Virtual 
Forum session on the importance of rights holder perspectives in the design of remedial mechanisms29 November 2022Switzerland
2022 Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights28-30 November 2022Switzerland
Workshop with judiciary in Argentina17 November 2022Argentina 
Workshop for ISEAL Members on scheme-level grievance mechanisms16 November 2022Virtual 
Workshop with judiciary in Ecuador15 November 2022Virtual 
Workshop with judiciary in Brazil21 October 2022Virtual 
Workshop session on the role of regional human rights mechanisms in accountability and remedy19 October 2022Switzerland
2022 Africa Business and Human Rights Forum12-13 October 2022Ghana
Workshop with judiciary and public defenders in Panama7 October 2022Virtual 
Workshop with judiciary and prosecutors in Chile22 September 2022Chile 
Workshop for ISEAL Members on the remedy ecosystem14 September 2022Virtual 
Workshop with prosecutors in Peru8 September 2022Peru
Workshop with judiciary in Peru7 September 2022Peru
Workshop with judiciary in Costa Rica30 August 2022Costa Rica
Workshop with judiciary in Mexico18 August 2022Mexico 
2022 Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights for Latin America and the Caribbean13-15 July 2022Colombia
Workshop with judiciary in Latin America13 July 2022Colombia
Workshop for ISEAL Members on the effectiveness criteria28 June 2022Virtual 
Presentation to UN Global Compact Local Networks8 June 2022Virtual 
Presentation at American Bar Association Workshop on Community-Designed Grievance Mechanisms12 May 2022Virtual
ARP presentation at forum on Mongolian NAP6 May 2022Virtual 
Presentation on access to remedy and the use of OECD National Contact Points 23 March 2022Virtual 
ARP Consultation exploring the links between human rights due diligence, accountability, and access to remedy3-4 March 2022Virtual
Presentation at KAS event on Latin American experiences on business and human rights remedy3 March 2022Virtual
Report launch on Remedy in Development Finance: Guidance and Practice23 February 2022Virtual
Presentation at OECD Forum 2022 Side Session on collaborative approaches to remedy21 February 2022Virtual
Panel presentation on Latin American experiences on human rights, business and access to remedy17 February 2022Virtual
Presentation during training series for Ecuadorian NAP9 February 2022Virtual 
Presentation at Expert Group Meeting on indigenous peoples8 December 2021Virtual
Presentation on mHRDD at the 2021 Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights30 November 2021Virtual
Session at ISEAL Members’ Week17 November 2021Virtual 
Session on civic space at the 2021 Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia12 November 2021Virtual
Presentation at Conference on non-judicial grievance mechanisms in global supply chains10 November 2021Virtual 
Session on access to remedy regarding businesses in Honduras21 October 2021Virtual 
Webinar for the Grievance Redress and Accountability Mechanism (GRAM) Partnership8 October 2021Virtual
Capacity building session at the 2021 Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights for Latin America and the Caribbean6 October 2021Virtual
Session on company-based grievance mechanisms at the 2021 Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights for Latin America and the Caribbean5 October 2021Virtual
State consultation on the enforcement of mandatory human rights due diligence29 September 2021Virtual 
Multi-stakeholder consultation on access to remedy in the tech sector23-24 September 2021Switzerland + Virtual
Expert meeting on the enforcement of mandatory human rights due diligence20 September 2021Virtual 
Trainings of public defenders in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and UruguayAugust – September 2021Virtual
Presentation at ILO regional seminar on responsible business conduct2 July 2021Virtual
Internal OHCHR training1 July 2021Virtual 
Presentation on RBCLAC panel regarding businesses in Panama29 June 2021Virtual
Presentation at the 26th meeting of constitutional courts, tribunals and chambers of Latin America25 June 2021Virtual
Presentation at forum on Peruvian NAP25 June 2021Virtual 
Session at 2021 Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct15 June 2021Virtual
Training session on access to remedy for Guatemalan companies15 June 2021Virtual 
Presentation at American Bar Association Event on Remedying Business’ Human Rights Harms10 June 2021Virtual 
Session at 2021 RightsCon7 June 2021Virtual
Seminars for CSOs on seeking remedy through IFIs and NCPs12 May 2021Virtual
Presentation to the International Chamber of Commerce Working Group on Business and Human Rights5 May 2021Virtual 
ARP Presentation to roundtable on Peruvian NAP23 April 2021Virtual 
Presentation at the Grievance Redress and Accountability Mechanism (GRAM) Partnership Launch Event1 December 2020Virtual
Presentation at the 2020 Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia24 November 2020Virtual
Session at the 2020 Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights17 November 2020Virtual
Expert meeting on access to remedy in the tech sector5 October 2020Virtual
Session at the 2020 Annual Meeting of ICAR28 September 2020Virtual
ARP III Presentation at the 2020 Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights for Latin America and the Caribbean11 September 2020Virtual
Presentation at Regional Judicial Dialogue on Business and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean7 September 2020Virtual
ARP III Report Launch Event8 July 2020Virtual 
ARP III Webinar for the UN Global Compact Local Networks2 July 2020Virtual 
Sessions at the 2020 Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct17 June 2020Virtual
ARP III Parallel Session at the 2020 UN Global Compact Leaders Summit16 June 2020Virtual 

Calls for input

Phases of the Accountability and Remedy Project

For background on the greater Accountability and Remedy Project, consult the ARP information note. For information on specific phases:

ARP PhaseMajor Outputs
ARP I: Enhancing the effectiveness of judicial mechanisms
ARP II: Enhancing the effectiveness of State-based non-judicial mechanisms
ARP III: Enhancing the effectiveness of non-State-based grievance mechanisms
ARP IV: Enhancing the accessibility, dissemination and implementation of ARP findings