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IMM name: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights

IMM type: Ombudsperson entity

CRPD ratification date: 16 December 2009

IMM legal framework: LAW OF UKRAINE "About the Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights"

Ukraine ratified the CRPD on 16 December 2009. Law of Ukraine "About the Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights" is the legal instrument that established the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.  

The IMM is an ombudsperson entity constituted by civil society organizations, which provide independent monitoring of the implementation of the Convention and alternative report.

The IMM is mandated to undertake the following functions:

  • Monitoring the implementation of the CRPD
  • Protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, and international treaties
  • To observe and respect human and citizen's rights and freedoms
  • To prevent violations of human and citizen's rights and freedoms or to facilitate their renewal
  • Assistance in bringing the legislation of Ukraine on human and citizen's rights and freedoms in compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine, international standards in this area
  • Improvement and further development of international cooperation in the field of protection of human and citizen's rights and freedoms
  • Prevention of any form of discrimination in the exercise by a person of his rights and freedoms.

The IMM undertakes/has undertaken the following activities:

  • Evaluating policy, legislative, and administrative compliance with the CRPD
  • Offering legal and policy advice to ensure compliance with the CRPD and other relevant international human rights obligations of the State
  • Undertaking investigations on the rights of persons with disabilities

The IMM’s membership is composed of persons with disabilities and representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities. Furthermore, women with disabilities and their representative organizations participate in the membership and managerial functions of the independent monitoring mechanism.

Participation of persons with disabilities in the monitoring process:

The monitoring activities in which persons with disabilities or their representatives’ organizations have been involved include monitoring of public policies and legislation concerning persons with disabilities.

They engage in submitting findings or allegations of human rights violations to the Independent Monitoring Mechanism. Moreover, persons with disabilities identifying themselves as self-advocates are invited to join specific monitoring activities by the Independent Monitoring Mechanism.

Note: If you wish to rectify or provide more information regarding your IMM, please contact