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27 October 2023
Joint policy position on the participation of LGBT persons in cultural life, from the Special rapporteur and the Independent Expert on Protection Against Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

24 October 2023
Joint Statement on LGBT Persons with Disabilitie

20 March 2023:
Statement of the IE SOGI during the Security Council’s Arria Formula Meeting on “Integrating the Human Rights of LGBT Persons into the Security Council’s Mandate for Maintaining International Peace and Security.”
Watch the recording of the statement on UN Web TV.

3 March 2023:
UN experts issue new guidelines on Sexuality Education 

1 March 2023:
“Weave industriously. Listen deeply. Speak kindly.” at the Sydney World Pride (PDF)


April 2022:
Virtual Consultation for the report on SOGI, the right to health and SDG 3
(Concept note in English | Français | Español)

24 March 2022:
Defenders of the human rights of LGBT persons constantly at risk, warn UN experts (PDF)


November 2020:
Virtual Consultation for the IE SOGI’s 2021-2023 Work Plan (in English)
Friday 20 November 2020 at 15:00 - 18:00 (CET) / 09:00 – 12:00 (EST)  
Concept note (English, French, Spanish) and draft work plan (English only)

November 2020:
Webinar: launch of the report on the impact of COVID-19 on LGBT persons (in English/French and Spanish/Portuguese)

June 2020:
Webinar: launch of ASPIRE Guidelines

June 2020:
ASPIRE Guidelines on COVID-19 response and recovery free from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity
English | Français | Español

May 2020:
COVID-19: The suffering and resilience of LGBT persons must be visible and inform the actions of States - Statement by human rights experts on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
English | Français | Español


October 2019:
Statement on access to health - Call for the effective implementation of SDG Goal 3

October 2019:
First Joint Consultation discussing the inclusion of LGBTI persons in the economic, social and cultural sphere in the Caribbean region

October 2019:
Statement on access to education – the inclusion of LGBT people in education settings; of paramount importance to “leaving no one behind”

12 August 2019:
Statement on access to housing - The right to housing of LGBT youth: an urgent task in the SDG agenda setting

July 2019:
Statement on LGBTI refugees - UN rights experts urge more protection for LGBTI refugees


March 2018:
Statement from the second trilateral dialogue between Inter-American, African and UN human rights experts
English FrançaisEspañol