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Fifteenth session of the Forum on Minority Issues


01 - 02 December 2022


Room XX, Palais des Nations in Geneva


Review. Rethink. Reform. 30th anniversary of the un declaration on minority rights

Livestream in all UN official languages:

UPDATE as of 1 December:

List of Speakers will be posted at the webpage of the Forum at the beginning of each agenda item and screened in the Room XX. Delegates included in the List of Speakers are requested to send their written statement to and with the indication of the agenda item. Statements will be made public after the Forum. 

All participants are required to register for the Forum using an online registration system Indico following this link. Registrations will be open from 4 October and will close 21 November 2022. No application will be accepted after this date. 

Update as of 24 November: Due to multiple requests, the deadline for registrations has been extended until 25 November, midnight (Geneva time). No application will be accepted after this date. 

Limited number of pre-recorded interventions by minority delegates will be accommodated bearing in mind time limitations. Participants from minority groups who wish to intervene via a pre-recorded video statement must register as soon as possible on Indico no later than 8 November. 

Information on the Fifteenth session of the Forum


View the session statements on the Human Rights Council Extranet

Preparatory meeting: 30 November 2022 at Room XXI, Palais des Nations in Geneva.

Documentary film screening and discussion: 1 December 2022, 6:45 PM, Cinérama Empire, Rue de Carouge 72, 1205 Genève. Details here.

The Fifteenth session of the UN Forum on Minority Issues is convened on 1 and 2 December 2022 pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 6/15 of 28 September 2007 and resolution 19/23 of 23 March 2012. Preparatory meeting for all delegates will be held on 30 November.

The theme of the Forum is " Review. Rethink. Reform. 30th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Minority Rights ". The Forum shall analyse practices, challenges, opportunities and initiatives in addressing conflict prevention and the protection of the human rights of minorities, in line with the principles and rights enshrined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities and other relevant international instruments.

The Forum on Minority Issues meets annually for two working days allocated to thematic discussions. The Special Rapporteur on minority issues guides the work of the Forum, prepares its annual meetings and reports on the thematic recommendations of the Forum to the Human Rights Council. The recommendations of the Fifteenth session will be presented at the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council, in March 2023.

This year the Chairperson of the Forum is Prof. Daniel Abwa.

Outcome Documents of the Regional Forums

More information on the 15th session of the Forum will be provided soon.

General inquiries: