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Thematic reports

A/HRC/51/19: Human rights implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people


09 June 2022

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The present study was prepared in accordance with resolution 48/12, in which the Council requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to conduct a detailed study on ways to mitigate the impact of the global pandemic on the human rights of young people for presentation at the Council at its fifty-first session. It highlights the systemic barriers to youth’s human rights, particularly education, employment and social security, health, and participation, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. It recommends that States adopt a youth-centred, human rights-based approach to COVID-19 recovery and implement it in partnership with youth, and that States and UN entities mainstream youth rights so that young people can fully enjoy their human rights.

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Inputs received

Member States
NGOs and Civil Society Organizations
Regional bodies
United Nations entities

Issued By:

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Delivered To:

UN Human Rights Council at its 51st session