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Working Group on discrimination against women and girls


Purpose of the mandate

Women and girls everywhere are still subject to significant disadvantage as the result of discriminatory laws and practices. Equality has not been achieved in any country in the world, and pledges to eliminate discriminatory laws have not been fulfilled.

The mandate was created to intensify efforts to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls throughout the world.

About the mandate

At its fifteenth session in 2010, the Human Rights Council adopted by consensus resolution 15/23 to establish a working group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice.

When renewed in June 2019 through resolution 41/6, the mandate name was changed from the Working Group on discrimination against women in law and practice  to the Working Group on discrimination against women and girls. The mandate was renewed in June 2022 through resolution 50/18

Learn more about the mandate and its methods of work

About the members

The Working Group is composed of five independent experts of balanced geographical representation, working collectively as a group and producing work in the name of the mandate. More on the members of the Working Group

Key documents

An Compendium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education

The purpose of the compendium is to recall the main international standards on CSE and to make a specific call to States to ensure the right to CSE without discrimination.

Impact of the mandate

This document highlights achievements made by the Working Group, alongside efforts from civil society organizations and state authorities, to eliminate discrimination against women.

The EDVAW Platform from 2017 to today

This document provides an overview of the journey toward strengthening cooperation among international and regional mechanisms on women's rights.

25 years in review of the Beijing Platform for Action

This booklet looks at the different contributions to the platform made by the 7 independent expert mechanisms mandated to address discrimination and gender-based violence against women and girls. Together they've creating a unified response to the many challenges that remain for the full enjoyment of women's right to a life free from discrimination and violence.

Statement of the EDVAW Platform on the occasion of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Contact Information

Working Group on discrimination against women and girls
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneve 10, Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0) 22 917 93 02
Fax: +41 (0) 22 917 90 06 

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Working Group on discrimination against women and girls