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Below find a list of submissions by the Working Group to various highest courts:

Submission to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights- Beatriz y otros vs. El Salvador (2023)
PDF: Spanish

PDF: Spanish

Amicus Curiae to the European Court of Human Rights on Poland (November 2021)
PDF: English

Amicus Curiae submitted to the US Supreme Court (September 2021)
PDF: English

Third-party submissions to the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child on a Communication no. 002/Com001/2019 between the Legal and Human Rights Centre and Center for Reproductive Rights (on behalf of Tanzanian girls) against the United Republic of Tanzania (13 June 2021)
PDF: English

Decision No 002/2022
PDF: English

Letter to Working Group
PDF: English

Amicus brief to the Federal High Court of Nigeria (February 2020)
PDFs in English: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Amicus brief to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea (March 2019)
PDF: English

Submissions to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (2017)
PDF: English
Video: oral presentation of the Working Group’s argument

Amicus brief to the Supreme Court of Brazil (2017)
PDF: English
PDF: English