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Human Rights Council

Year Symbol number and link to report Title and link to report page
2023 A/HRC/53/39
Gendered inequalities of poverty
Gendered inequalities of poverty: feminist and human rights-based approaches
2022 A/HRC/50/25
Making sure girls and young women are always heard
Girls’ and young women’s activism
2021 A/HRC/47/38
Women’s and girls' sexual and reproductive health rights in crisis
Women’s and girl’s sexual and reproductive health rights in crisis
2020 A/HRC/44/51
Reimagining the world of work so it is equal for everyone
Women's human rights in the changing world of work
2019 A/HRC/41/33 Women deprived of liberty
2018 A/HRC/38/46 Reasserting equality, countering rollbacks
2017 A/HRC/35/29 Compendium of good practices in the elimination of discrimination against women
2016 A/HRC/32/44 Thematic analysis: eliminating discrimination against women in the area of health and safety, with a focus on the instrumentalization of women's bodies
2015 A/HRC/29/40 Thematic analysis: eliminating discrimination against women in cultural and family life, with a focus on the family as a cultural space
2014 A/HRC/26/39* Thematic analysis: eliminating discrimination against women in economic and social life with a focus on economic crisis
2013 A/HRC/23/50 Thematic analysis: eliminating discrimination against women in political and public life with a focus on political transition
2012 A/HRC/20/28 Annual Report of the WG on Discrimination against Women in Law and in Practice