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人权宣言 - Mayan (Yucateco)



Mayan (Yucateco)


700,000 (1990)


Home Speakers: Mexico, Belize


Maya, the language of the great Maya civilization that flourished more than a thousand years ago, is still spoken in various forms by several million people in present-day Mexico, Guatemala, and British Honduras. Since earliest times the Maya language has contained numerous dia1ects, which today are sufficiently different to be regarded as separate languages. There are about eight such languages in Mexico and more than a dozen in Guatemala. Maya proper, sometimes called Yucateco, is spoken by about 450,000 people on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. In the adjacent Mexican states of Chiapas and Tabasco, there are, from south to north, Tzotzil (100,000 speakers), Tzeltal (100,000), Chol (50,000), and Chontal (20,000). Farther up the coast, in Veracruz, and inland in San Luis Potosi, Huastec is spoken by about 150,000 people. In Guatemala, which has about 3 million Maya Indians, the big four languages are Quiché (1 million speakers), Cakchiquel (500,000), Mam (250,000), and Kekchi (250,000). Kekchi is also spoken in southwestern Belize. Mayan belongs to the Mayan family of languages.