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人权宣言 - Guarani







Official Status: Paraguay Home Speakers: Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina


Guarani, with the stress on the final syllable, is the native language of Paraguay. While Spanish is the official language of the country, and spoken by the majority of the population, it is estimated that as many as 22 million people, or 70 percent of the population, speak Guarani (including all varieties) as wellI. The language belongs to the Tupí-Guaraní family. The origin of the Guarani language has given way to many theories that look for its primary trunk. Even today its roots are unknown. Nevertheless, it can be said that is was born among the Guarani people who, according to one theory, came from Polynesia, or more exactly, from Australian and Mongoloid contingents which, after entering America through the Bering strait, seated themselves in the Paraguayan lands. As to the origin of the word "Guarani", etymologically it is derived from the word "Guarini;" which means "frontal war", and by extension, "warrior". Geographically speaking, the Guarani language, in its hegemonic period, before the Discovery, extended in the America from the Caribbean to the north, to the Amazon in the middle, and to the Rio de la Plata at the south. The Guarani language was spoken by various tribes which did not have well-defined geographic locations, owing to their nomadic conditions. Currently, we find in Paraguay (a Guarani word meaning "place of great water") the following Guarani groups that still speak the language: Chiriguanos and Tapiete (in the Chaco), Paî Tavyter¦, Ava Katuete or Ava Chiripa, Mbya and Ache Guayaki (in the Eastern region).