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人权宣言 - Bulgarian (Balgarski)



Bulgarian (Balgarski)


9,000,000 (1995)


Official Language: Bulgaria Home Speakers: Greece, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Hungary, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine


It belongs to the Indo-European family, Slavonic group, South Slavonic subgroup, and is spoken by over 8 million people. Modern literary Bulgarian formed only during the 19th century and is based primarily on the north-eastern dialects. Bulgarian is closely related to Macedonian. Several features of the Bulgarian and Macedonian languages make them unique among the Slavic languages. They both have a definite article that comes after the noun. They both have lost the case system from Common Slavic, the language from which they descended, and prepositions have replaced cases as a way of showing the grammatical relationships between parts of a sentence.