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IMM name: Ombudsman's Office

IMM type: Ombudsperson entity

CRPD ratification date: 3 April 2008

IMM legal framework: Organic Law on Disability September 25, 2012

Ecuador ratified the CRPD on 3 April 2008. The Organic Law on Disability 25 September, 2012, was adopted to establish the ombudsperson entity. The IMM is an ombudsperson entity and is constituted by the National Directorate of the Mechanism for Monitoring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The mandate of the Independent Monitoring Mechanism extends to all parts of the State; a parent office supports provincial offices. The IMM is also mandated with protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, including by receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints, or by mediating conflicts and monitoring activities and reporting.

The IMM undertakes/has undertaken the following activities:

  • Offering legal and policy advice to ensure compliance with the CRPD and other relevant international human rights obligations of the State
  • Receiving and considering complaints or reviewing the outcome of complaints received by the NHRI.

The IMM’s membership is composed of persons with disabilities and representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities. Furthermore, the women with disabilities and their representative organizations participate in the membership and managerial functions of the independent monitoring mechanism or framework. The monitoring activities in which persons with disabilities or their representatives’ organizations have been involved include monitoring of public policies and legislation concerning persons with disabilities.

Note: If you wish to rectify or provide more information regarding your IMM, please contact