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Welcoming words of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet

Video presenting the SDG-CRPD resource package

With a view to ensuring mutual reinforcement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the SDG-CRPD resource package aims at providing support so that all actions undertaken for the SDGs are inclusive of persons with disabilities and guided by the CRPD. They are made up of resources supporting policymaking and resources supporting monitoring that can be used together to advance disability-inclusion.

The SDG-CRPD resource package was launched in December 2020 and welcomed by the global community. Click on the following links for more on the launch event:


Policy guidelines on inclusive Sustainable Development Goals

The guidelines set out the main actions that should be used to develop policies to achieve the goals for persons with disabilities.

Training materials on disability-inclusive Sustainable Development Goals 

Complementing the guidelines, the training materials include tools to develop in-person and online trainings.


The videos mirror the guidelines and can be used for training and awareness-raising activities.

*This is the advance version of the SDG-CRPD resource package. A final version will be issued upon completion of OHCHR review processes.

SDG Goals
Policy Guidelines
Training materials

Logo: The Sustainable Development Goals

Foreword by the High Commissioner for Human Rights


  • Presentation of the policy guidelines and other resources
    PDF | Word | EPUB

In-person Word

Online Word

Overview of the SDG-CRPD resource package

Also available in:

image of SDG Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

Image of the SDG Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Image of the SDG Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

Foundations for inclusive SDGs:

  • Key concepts from the CRPD
  • Structural requirements to create an enabling legal, policy and programming environment (Goals 10, 16, 17)
    PDF | Word | EPUB



Video on foundations for inclusive SDGs

Also available in:


SDG Goals Sectoral-specific guidelines Training materials Videos

Image of the SDG Goal 1: No poverty
Goal 1: No poverty

Policy guidelines on SDG 1
PDF | Word | EPUB



    Video on SDG 1

    Also available in:

    Image of the SDG Goal 3: Good health and well-being 
    Goal 3: Good health and well-being

    Policy guidelines on SDG 3
    PDF | Word | EPUB



    Video on SDG 3

    Also available in:

    Image of the SDG Goal 4: Quality education
    Goal 4: Quality education

    Policy guidelines on SDG 4
    PDF | Word | EPUB



    Video on SDG 4

    Also available in:

    Image of the SDG Goal 5: Gender Equality
    Goal 5: Gender Equality

    Policy guidelines on SDG 5
    PDF | Word | EPUB



    Video on SDG 5

    Also available in:

    Image of the SDG Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
    Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

    Policy guidelines on SDG 8
    PDF | Word | EPUB



    Video on SDG 8

    Also available in:

    Image of the SDG Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

    Policy guidelines on SDG 11
    PDF | Word  | EPUB



    Video on SDG 11

    Also available in:


    SDG Goals Thematic briefs

    Image of the SDG Goal 2: Zero hunger
    Goal 2: Zero hunger

    Thematic brief on food and nutrition
    PDF | Word | EPUB

    Image of the SDG Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
    Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

    Thematic brief on clean water and sanitation
    PDF | Word | EPUB

    SDG Goal 13: Climate action
    Goal 13: Climate action and others

    Thematic brief on climate change and disaster risk reduction
    PDF | Word | EPUB

    Image of the SDG Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth Image of the SDG Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
    Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
    Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities, and others

    Thematic brief on tourism
    PDF | Word | EPUB

    Image of the SDG Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure Image of the SDG Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals
    Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals, and others

    Thematic brief on research and innovation
    PDF | Word | EPUB

    Across the goals

    Thematic brief on rural areas
    PDF | Word | EPUB


    Human Rights indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Presented article by article, the indicators are key to facilitating understanding and implementation of the Convention’s provisions. They provide guidance on actions to measure implementation of the CRPD and to track progress over time.

    Data sources guidance

    This guidance mirrors the human rights indicators and provides examples of different sources of data to inform the outcome indicators.

    *This is the advance version of the SDG-CRPD resource package. A final version will be issued upon completion of OHCHR review processes.

    Articles Human rights Indicators on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Data sources guidance
      Frequently asked questions
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    PDF | Word (English)
    Articles 1-4:
    Purpose, Definitions,
    General Principles and
    General Obligation
    Articles 1-4 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Articles 1-4 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 5
    Equality and non-discrimination
    Article 5 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 5 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 6
    Women with disabilities
    Article 6 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español 
    Article 6 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 7
    Children with disabilities
    Article 7 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 7 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 8
    Article 8 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 8 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 9
    Article 9 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 9 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 10
    Right to life
    Article 10 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 10 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 11
    Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies
    Article 11 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 11 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 12
    Equal recognition before the law
    Article 12 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 12 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 13
    Acess to justice
    Article 13 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 13 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 14
    Liberty and security of the person
    Article 14 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 14 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Articles 15 and 17
    Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and protection the integrity of the person
    Articles 15 and 17 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Articles 15 and 17 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 16
    Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse
    Article 16 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 16 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 18
    Liberty of movement and nationality
    Article 18 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 18 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 19
    Living independently and being included in the community
    Article 19 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 19 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 20
    Personal mobility
    Article 20 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 20 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 21
    Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information
    Article 21 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 21 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 22
    Respect for privacy
    Article 22 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 22 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 23
    Respect for home and the family
    Article 23 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 23 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 24
    Article 24 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 24 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 25
    Article 25 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 25 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 26
    Habilitaiton and rehabilitation
    Article 26 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 26 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 27
    Work and employment
    Article 27 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 27 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 28
    Adequate standard of living and social protection
    Article 28 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 28 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 29
    Participation in political and public life
    Article 29 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 29 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 30
    Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport
    Article 30 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 30 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 31
    Statistics and data collection
    Article 31 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 31 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 32
    International cooperation
    Article 32 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 32 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)
    Article 33
    National implementation and monitoring
    Article 33 indicators
    PDF: English
    Word (tables): English | Français | Español
    Word (text): English | Français | Español
    Article 33 data sources
    PDF | Word (English)