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As per its mandate and working methods, the Working Group can seek and receive information from all relevant sources, and welcomes information related to its mandate. Information received from relevant stakeholders will be used as appropriate by the Working Group to inform its work and strategy, to identify barriers to the effective implementation of the Guiding Principles and gaps in the protection of human rights in the context of business activities, and to inform recommendations made to States, business, and other actors, on the implementation of the Guiding Principles.

Submissions are therefore welcomed at all times by the Working Group, and can be sent to the Secretariat at the address and will be passed on to the Working Group. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged, though there may be delays at times due to high volumes of information received. All information reaches the Working Group and will be taken into consideration as appropriate by members of the Working Group, as per its working methods.

From time to time, the Working Group may also issue separate calls for inputs or submissions on specific subjects, and will publish such calls for inputs on this website as well as through appropriate channels.

See first call for submissions of the working group.

See all Calls for inputs.