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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Haiti: Gangs use sexual violence to instill fear – UN report

14 October 2022

Residents flee the area after gangs waged intense gun battles, shuttering main avenues and a municipal market in the downtown area of the capital, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti July 27, 2022 © Reuters



PORT-AU-PRINCE/GENEVA (14 October 2022) - Children as young as 10 and elderly women have been subjected to sexual violence – including collective rapes for hours in front of their parents or children by more than half a dozen armed elements – amid an explosion of gang violence in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, a UN human rights report published today finds.

The report, titled “Sexual violence in Port-au-Prince: a weapon used by gangs to instill fear”, was jointly published by the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

“Gangs use sexual violence to instill fear, and alarmingly the number of cases increases by the day as the humanitarian and human rights crisis in Haiti deepens,” Nada Al-Nashif, the Acting Human Rights Chief said.

“The gruesome testimonies shared by victims underscore the imperative for urgent action to stop this depraved behaviour, ensure that those responsible are held to account, and the victims are provided support.”

The report painstakingly documents sexual crimes perpetrated against women, girls and boys of all ages, as well as to a lesser extent men, by gangs waging their turf wars and seeking to expand their areas of influence. LGBTI+ people have also been targeted.

Armed gangs have used rape and collective rapes to instill fear, punish, subjugate, and inflict pain on local populations. Viewed as sexual objects, women, girls, and sometimes men, are also coerced into becoming the “partners” of armed elements, in gang strongholds. Refusing such sexual demands can lead to reprisals including killing and arson attacks.

The report further highlights that sexual violence occurs in the context of kidnappings, when some women and girls are repeatedly subjected to rape, by one or multiple armed captors, at times over the course of several days or weeks. The kidnappers have even used recorded videos of the rapes to press the victims’ families to pay the ransoms.

Over the course of the past year, gang violence has spiralled out of control, particularly in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince and in some regional cities. Sixty percent of the capital is now reportedly under the control or the influence of gang elements who have easy access to high calibre weapons and ammunitions trafficked from abroad.

Ensuring immediate access to adequate medical and psychosocial care to prevent further physical and psychological harm is a crucial first step towards victims’ rehabilitation. Victims are also entitled to remedy, including access to justice and reparation. However, the efforts of national and international actors working in this field to guarantee the rights of survivors have generally been insufficient due to multiple challenges and barriers detailed in this report.

The report emphasizes that national authorities, the United Nations system, civil society organizations and service providers, must urgently address sexual violence in Haiti. It identifies key areas of policing and healthcare, along with the creation of a judicial task force to address impunity for crimes of sexual violence, among others, as priorities to address sexual violence.

If not adequately and rapidly tackled, such rampant use of sexual violence risks further shattering the already deeply fragile social fabric of Haitian society for years to come and may undermine prospects of sustainable development and lasting stability, the report says.

Between January and July 2022, the report’s authors conducted more than 90 interviews with victims and witnesses of incidents in Port-au-Prince, as well as with service providers, community-based organizations, national and international nongovernmental organizations, and representatives of the Government of Haiti, with a view to verifying the abuses documented.

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