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Universal Periodic Review - Ecuador - Reference Documents


Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information

The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
DPE - Defensoría del Pueblo del Ecuador   Español
Civil Society
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
AAE - Asylum Access Ecuador  E/S
AE - Accion Ecologica Español 
AEDEP - Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Editores de Periódicos Español 
AI - Amnesty International English 
APC - Association for Progressive Communications English 
Article 19  English 
CIDES - Centro sobre Derecho y Sociedad Español 
CMR -  Coalicion por las Migraciones y el RefugioEspañol 
COSCE - Coalicion de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civile en EcuadorEspañol 
FP - Fundación PachamamaEspañol 
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children English 
HRW - Human Rights Watch English 
IHRC - International Human Rights Clinic of the University of Oklahoma College of Law English 
ISP -  Internacional Servicios Públicos Español 
JS1 - Joint submission English 
JS2 - Joint submission English
JS3 - Joint submission   
JS4 - Joint submission  Español 
JS5 - Joint submission  Español 
PI - Plan InternationalEnglish
SIP - Sociedad Interamericana de PrensaEspañol
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
CIDH - Comision Interamericana de Derechos HumanosEnglish 
