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Thematic reports

In accordance with various resolutions by the Human Rights Council, the Advisory Committee prepared and submitted the following reports and studies to the Council for its consideration.

Impact of new technologies for climate protection on the enjoyment of human rights
Impact of new technologies intended for climate protection on the enjoyment of human rights (2023) – A/HRC/54/47

Advancement of racial justice and equality
Advancing racial justice and equality by uprooting systemic racism (2023) – A/HRC/54/70

Racial equality
Moving towards racial equality: study of the Advisory Committee on appropriate ways and means of assessing the situation (2021) - A/HRC/48/72

Negative effects of terrorism
Negative effects of terrorism on the enjoyment of human rights (2021) - A/HRC/48/66

Representation of women in human rights organs and mechanisms
Current levels of representation of women in human rights organs and mechanisms: ensuring gender balance (2021) - A/HRC/47/51

New and emerging digital technologies
Possible impacts, opportunities and challenges of new and emerging digital technologies with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights (2021) - A/HRC/47/52

National policies 
Study on national policies and human rights (2020) - A/HRC/45/39

Legally binding instrument on the right to development
Research-based report on the importance of a legally binding instrument on the right to development (2020) - A/HRC/45/40

Technical assistance and capacity-building
The role of technical assistance and capacity-building in fostering mutually beneficial cooperation in promoting and protecting human rights (2020) - A/HRC/43/31

Illicit funds
Study on utilizing non-repatriated illicit funds with a view to supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (2020) - A/HRC/43/66

Illicit funds
Research-based study on the impact of flow of funds of illicit origin and the non-repatriation thereof to the countries of origin on the enjoyment of human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights (Progress report of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council) 2017 - A/HRC/36/52

Contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights
Contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights (2019) -A/HRC/41/50

Regional arrangements
Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights (2018) - A/HRC/39/58

The activities of vulture funds
Activities of vulture funds and their impact on human rights (2019) – A/HRC/41/51

Leprosy-related discrimination

  1. Draft set of principles and guidelines for the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members (2010) - A/HRC/15/30
  2. UN General Assembly resolution on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members (2011) - A/RES/65/215
  3. Study on the implementation of the principles and guidelines for the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members (2017) -  A/HRC/35/38

Unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents
Global issue of unaccompanied migrant children and human rights (2017)-A/HRC/36/51

Human rights in post-disaster and post-conflict situations
Final research-based report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on best practices and main challenges in the promotion and protection of human rights in post-disaster and post-conflict situations (2015) - A/HRC/28/76

Negative impact of corruption
Final report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the issue of the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights (2015) -  A/HRC/28/73

Human rights and unilateral coercive measures
Research-based progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee containing recommendations on mechanisms to assess the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights and to promote accountability (2015) -  A/HRC/28/74

Attacks against persons with albinism
Report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the study on the situation of human rights of persons living with albinism (2015) - A/HRC/28/75

Promoting human rights through sport and the Olympic ideal
Final report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the possibilities of using sport and the Olympic ideal to promote human rights for all and to strengthen universal respect for them - (2015) – A/HRC/30/50

Local government and human rights
Role of local government in the promotion and protection of human rights (2015) - A/HRC/30/49

Promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankind
Study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms through a better understanding of traditional values of humankind (2012) - A/HRC/22/71

Human rights and issues related to terrorist hostage-taking
Human rights and issues related to terrorist hostage-taking (2013) - A/HRC/24/47

Human rights and international solidarity
Final paper on human rights and international solidarity (2012) - A/HRC/21/66

Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights

  1. Study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights (2012) - A/HRC/19/74
  2. Research-based report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the ways and means to enhance international cooperation in the field of human rights (2014) - A/HRC/26/41

Right to peace
Report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the right of peoples to peace (including the draft declaration on the right to peace) (2012) - A/HRC/20/31

Missing persons
Report by the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on best practices in the matter of missing persons (2011) - A/HRC/16/70
Right to food

  1. Study on discrimination in the context of the right to food (2011) - A/HRC/16/40 
  2. Final study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on the advancement of the rights of  peasants and other people working in rural area (including the draft declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas) (2012) - A/HRC/19/75
  3. Study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on severe malnutrition and childhood diseases with children affected by noma as an example (2012) - A/HRC/19/73
  4. Final study of the Advisory Committee on the promotion of human rights of the urban poor: strategies and best practices (2012) A/HRC/22/61
  5. Final study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on rural women and the right to food (2012) A/HRC/22/72

Human rights education and training
Draft Declaration on Human rights education and training (2010) - (recommendation 4/2, annex)-A/HRC/4/4. Also, check A/HRC/13/41