Take action
Brave individuals, communities, families of victims, have denounced racism, its legacies, and its horrendous consequences, reaching into every part of society and life.
Their voices and actions have resulted in a long-delayed reckoning with racial discrimination and systemic racism.
Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Let’s strengthen human rights education to provide everyone, especially young people, with tools to fight oppression, racism, and racial discrimination.
Let your voices be heard by showing support for and solidarity with racial equality and anti-discrimination. Speak up on social media, and engage with #FightRacism content.
Let’s stand united to achieve racial justice and equality by calling for ratification and implementation of the ICERD, implementation of the DDPA, and recognition of the Decade for Peoples of African Descent.
Everyone has the right to learn about the difficult histories associated with racism, slavery, colonialism, as well as their legacies, which survive in the structural inequalities that still plague societies today. For young people, by learning about our shared past acts of inhumanity, war crimes and wrongdoings, they can be vigilant about all manifestations of discrimination, racism and hatred from the outset.
Speaking up against intolerances can lead to participation in concrete actions. It is key in the fight against racism, discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerances.
We all have the power to be the agents of change on the challenges presented by racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. What is necessary now is the courage, the will and the drive to act.
Share on social media the key messages and visuals that we have created for this campaign. Do not forget to use the hashtags #FightRacism, #StandUp4HumanRights and #LearnSpeakUpAct