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Together, we can push back against the forces of discrimination, hatred, bigotry and violence, and build instead societies that rest on equality, respect and justice.

With dialogue, with education, with understanding of what we have in common and with appreciation for the richness of our differences.

Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights



Men, woman and child


Around the world, we are seeing an alarming rise of xenophobia, racism and intolerance – including rising anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred and persecution of Christians.

  • Social media and other forms of communication are being exploited as platforms for bigotry.
  • Neo-Nazi and white supremacy movements are on the march.
  • Public discourse is being weaponized for political gain with incendiary rhetoric that stigmatizes and dehumanizes minorities, migrants, refugees, women and any so-called “other”.

This is not an isolated phenomenon or the loud voices of a few people on the fringe of society.

Hate is moving into the mainstream in liberal democracies and authoritarian regimes alike – and casting a shadow over our common humanity.

It undermines social cohesion, erodes shared values, and can lay the foundation for violence, setting back the cause of peace, stability, sustainable development and human dignity.

In recent decades, hate speech has been a precursor to atrocity crimes, including genocide, from Rwanda to Bosnia to Cambodia. I fear that the world is reaching another acute moment in battling the demon of hate.

Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General




UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech

In response to the alarming rise of hate speech, the UN Strategy & Plan of Action on Hate Speech sets out 13 commitments to be implemented globally and locally, including:

  • Increasing understanding and monitoring of hate speech and its impact on societies
  • Identifying and devising programs to address the drivers and root causes of hate speech
  • Supporting alternative and positive narratives to counter hate speech

Explore the campaign

Since its creation, the UN has mobilized the world against hatred of all kinds through wide-ranging action to defend human rights and advance the rule of law.