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Panel discussion on the most efficient ways of upholding good governance to address the human rights impacts of the various digital divides


04 September 2023


Room XX, Palais des Nations, Geneva and online platform (Zoom)

As called for by the Human Rights Council in its resolution 51/5, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights will convene a panel discussion for States, relevant treaty bodies and mandate holders, academia, civil society and other relevant stakeholders to discuss the most efficient ways of using good governance to address the human rights impact of the various digital divides. 

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Concept Note

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Guidance for speakers’ list

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Background information

Human Rights Council Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Panel discussion on good governance in the promotion and protection of human rights during and after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic (A/HRC/52/43) (2022).

Human Rights Council resolution 51/5 of 6 October 2022 on the role of good governance in the promotion and protection of human rights (A/HRC/RES/51/5)

Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Report on the impact of the digitalization of education on the right to education (2022) (A/HRC/50/32)

Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, Report on possible impacts, opportunities and challenges of new and emerging digital technologies with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights (2021) (A/HRC/47/52)

UNDP, Report “New Technologies for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from integrity, trust and anti-corruption” (2021)

Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Report on Artificial Intelligence and the rights of persons with disabilities (2021) (A/HRC/49/52)

Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Report on safe digital space for women’s equal enjoyment of freedom of opinion and expression (2021) (A/76/258)

Secretary-General, Report on the road map for digital cooperation: implementation of the recommendations of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation (2020) (A/74/821)

Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Report on digital technology, social protection and human rights (2019) (A/74/493)

OHCHR, Report on promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet: ways to bridge the gender digital divide from a human rights perspective (2017) (A/HRC/35/9)

Register by 1 September (23:59 CEST)
