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A/HRC/47/23: Central role of the State in responding to pandemics and other health emergencies, and the socioeconomic consequences thereof, in advancing sustainable development and the realization of all human rights Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


14 May 2021

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The central role of the State during pandemics and other health emergencies is to mount a robust health response while upholding human rights.This involves respecting, protecting and fulfilling economic, social and cultural rights, paying particular attention to universal health coverage and universal social protection as fixed pillars in all response, preparedness and recovery efforts.At the same time, it also requires upholding civil and political rights such as the rights to participate in public affairs, freedom of expression and freedom of association.

The resilience of health systems and national economies has been undermined, to a great extent, by the failure to adequately invest in meeting human rights obligations.States should step up investment in health and social protection systems backed by multilateral, joined-up approaches based on solidarity.These steps require renewed political will and leadership to honour the commitments made by States under human rights law and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Issued By:

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Delivered To:

Human Rights Council, Forty-seventh session