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A/HRC/50/38/Add.2: Visit to Nepal - Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Olivier De Schutter


13 May 2022

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Nepal has made great strides in the reduction of absolute poverty, but such efforts hide an increase in wealth inequality, a stalling in gender equality progress and an undue weight of remittances and donor funding in its economy. Despite its progressive Constitution guaranteeing many socioeconomic rights, its promises remain unfulfilled for far too many. Landlessness and bonded labour continue to affect the poorest, who often remain trapped in lifetime debt. Widespread discrimination against Dalit, indigenous nationalities, Madhesi and other minorities continues rampant. Women, children, migrants and people with disabilities experience disproportionate rates of poverty, yet they remain invisible in data and in policy. The patchwork of social protection programmes in Nepal is characterized by low levels of coverage and high levels of legal exclusion and non-take-up.

The present report focuses on the steps Nepal can take to guarantee the rights of people in poverty, including developing a clear and comprehensive anti-poverty plan. That plan should include policies to combat discrimination, a decent job creation strategy, proposals for by-laws to implement the constitutional promises of socioeconomic rights and a plan for accelerating the equitable distribution of land.

Issued By:

Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights

Delivered To:

the Human Rights Council at its 50th session