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Climate change affects women, men, boys and girls in different ways. Entrenched and systemic discrimination can lead to gender-differentiated impacts of climate change with respect to health, food security, livelihoods and human mobility, among other things. Intersectional forms of discrimination can make some women and girls more vulnerable to climate change, while excluding women and girls from climate action makes it less effective and further exacerbates climate harms.

The meaningful, informed and effective participation of women and girls with diverse backgrounds in relevant decision-making processes lies at the heart of a rights-based, gender responsive approach to climate action.

This inclusive approach is not only a legal, ethical and moral obligation; it will also contribute to climate action that is more effective.

Activities, events and reports

As part of OHCHR's work on gender-responsive climate action, the following activities have been conducted. Read about them in more detail below.

Analytical study on gender-responsive climate action

Human Rights Council resolution 38/4 (A/HRC/RES/38/4) requested OHCHR "to conduct, from within existing resources, an analytical study on the integration of a gender-responsive approach into climate action at the local, national, regional and international levels for the full and effective enjoyment of the rights of women…"

To inform the analytical study, OHCHR transmitted a Note Verbale [English] [French] and Questionnaire [English] [French] to Member States, NGOs, UN agencies, IGOs, Academic Institutions and NHRIs, requesting their input. These inputs are available below.

Read the Analytical study on gender-responsive climate action for the full and effective enjoyment of women's rights.

Human Rights Council Panel Discussion on women's rights and climate change: climate action, good practices and lessons learned

Human Rights Council resolution 38/4 (A/HRC/RES/38/4) also requested OHCHR to prepare a panel discussion on the theme "Women's rights and climate change: climate action, best practices and lessons learned", focusing on best practices and lessons learned in the promotion and protection of the rights of women and girls in the context of the adverse impacts of climate change at the 41st session of the Human Rights Council. The panel concept note, statements of the participants, video of the panel and summary report are available below:

Statements by panellists

Inputs received for the Analytical Study on gender-responsive climate action


National human rights institutions

United Nations

Civil society organizations
