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Discover videos on the topic of human rights and climate change below. You can find the latest recordings on climate change from United Nations events at

Testimonies of climate change impacts on the right to food
A video contribution to the Human Rights Council panel discussion on the adverse impact of climate change on the full realization of the right to food - 3 July 2023

HC Michelle Bachelet - GA Moment for Nature
Video message of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the UNGA High-Level Thematic Debate: Moment for Nature - 19 July 2022

Testimonies of climate change human rights impacts
A video contribution to the Human Rights Council panel discussion on the human rights of people in vulnerable situations in the context of climate change from the Collective for Climate Rights bringing to you the voices of people directly impacted by climate change. - 28 June 2022

UN Summit on Biodiversity
“COVID-19 has reaffirmed our dependence on a healthy environment while undermining our ability to protect it,” the High Commissioner stressed at a video statement to the UN Summit on Biodiversity. “Today’s crises represent an opportunity to transform our societies through a just transition to a sustainable, no-carbon economy founded on renewable energy, environmentally sound technologies, sustainability, and livelihoods of dignity,” she said (transcript) - 30 September 2020

A New Accord with Nature
In a video in support of the Nature for Life Hub in addressing biodiversity loss (transcript), the High Commissioner said that “integration of human rights in environmental action can help avert environmental harms, reduce inequality, and ensure sustainable development.” She added that “an equitable and sustainable response and recovery to COVID-19 must recognize the links between environmental protection and fulfilment of human rights.” - 25 September 2020

Climate Action Now – OHCHR Regional Office for South-East Asia, 4 June 2020

Climate Change and Human Rights in the Pacific – OHCHR Regional Office for the Pacific, 2019

Video message by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – Right to a healthy environment, 5 February 2020


Video message by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights - Climate Vulnerable Forum COP Leaders Event, 2 December 2019 (transcript)

Video statement by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights at COP24: Gender and Climate Action, 11 December 2018