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20 December 2010
To the HRC at its 16th session, 4 March 2011


The Human Rights Council in its resolution 13/11 requested the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a study on the role of international cooperation in support of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that was presented at the 16th session of the Council in March 2011.


International cooperation is widely recognized as vital for ensuring that persons with disabilities can fully enjoy their human rights. The Convention expressly acknowledges this relationship, and obliges States parties to cooperate with other States and/or with relevant international and regional organizations and civil society including in:

  • Building capacity, including through the exchange and sharing of information, experiences, training programmes and best practices;
  • Research programmes and facilitating access to scientific knowledge; and
  • Technical and economic assistance, including facilitating the use of accessible and assistive technologies.

The Convention affirms that not only do States parties have a role to play in fostering international cooperation to promote the rights of persons with disabilities, but civil society, including organizations representing persons with disabilities, and international and regional organizations, such as the United Nations specialized agencies, the World Bank and other development banks, and regional organizations, such as the European Commission and the African Union, do too.

Inputs received

In preparation of the study, OHCHR invited States and relevant stakeholders to present submissions by transmitting a set of questions related to existing legislation, policies and practices regarding the role of international cooperation in support of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. As a result, OHCHR received the responses listed below.

Member States

Intergovernmental Organizations

National Human Rights Institutions

NGOs and Civil Society Organizations

Special Rapporteur on Disability