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Detención arbitraria

Expertos: Acabemos con las detenciones desproporcionadas por consumo de drogas

17 marzo 2022

Hombre desesperado y solo en la oscuridad. Crédito: Getty Photo

A group of UN experts have called for a review of procedures and treatment of drug users, citing current rules regarding arrest, testing, detention and sentencing often lead to human rights violations.

“Drug dependency and use must not be treated as a criminal matter but rather a health issue,” said Elina Steinerte, Chair of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

The call was made at the backdrop of a side event, organised by UN Human Rights during the 65th session of the UN Commission on Narcotics Drugs.

In a report published last year, the Working Group also called for the closure of State- and privately-run drugs rehabilitation facilities where people who use drugs are held.

“The practice of confining people who use or are suspected of using drugs against their will is still widespread and can give rise to arbitrary detention,” Steinerte said.

Kenya Cuevas, a transgender activist from Mexico, knows first-hand the difficulties of being detained arbitrarily for a drugs offense. Cuevas spent 11 years in prison, describing the experience as nasty and dehumanising.

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