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In accordance with Rules 76 and 77 of its Rules of procedures, the Committee may decide to prepare and adopt general comments on specific topics addressing aspects of the Covenant or its Optional Protocols with a view to assisting States parties in fulfilling their obligations under the Covenant and its Optional Protocols.

As of September 2021, the Committee has adopted 37 general comments. The full list of final general comments is available in the database, with additional information on the most recent general comments below.

Latest general comments
Year adopted General comment Topic
2020 General comment No. 37 Article 21: Right of peaceful assembly
2019 General comment No. 36 Article 6: Right to life
2014 General comment No. 35 Article 9: Liberty and Security of person
2011 General comment No. 34 Article 19: Freedoms of opinion and expression
2009 General comment No. 33 Obligations of States Parties under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights