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Human Rights Education and Training

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Human Rights Education and Training


In the first phase (2005-2009) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education (WPHRE), Governments and other actors are encouraged to implement the WPHRE’s Plan of Action in 4 steps:

  • Stage 1: Analyze the current situation of human rights education in the primary and secondary school systems;
  • Stage 2: Set priorities and develop a national implementation strategy;
  • Stage 3: Implement and monitor activities;
  • Stage 4: Evaluate.

Each Ministry of Education or equivalent institution should assign or strengthen a relevant Department/Unit responsible for coordination with all relevant actors and for serving as national focal point for human rights education in the school system.

The section below lists the national focal points appointed in various Member States and summaries of national efforts to integrate human rights education in the school system, according to correspondence received by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). It also includes information on national plans and strategies for human rights education elaborated by Member States since 1995.