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Principles for Responsible Contracts: Integrating the Management of Human Rights Risks into State-Investor Contract Negotiations - Guidance for Negotiators


01 September 2015

The United Nations Principles for Responsible Contracts provide a concrete tool to address some of the human rights concerns relating to State–investor contracts. They were developed with a view to enabling those parties negotiating State–investor contracts to integrate the management of human rights risks into contract negotiations more effectively, so as to ensure that projects bring benefits to people. The Principles for Responsible Contracts were the product of four years of research and multi-stakeholder consultations under the mandate of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises. They were submitted to the Human Rights Council as an addendum to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and they should be read in conjunction with those Guiding Principles and implemented with due regard to the obligations of States set out in international human rights law.



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A5 soft cover

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