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Press releases Special Procedures


05 November 2001

5 November 2001

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Human Rights Defenders, Hina Jilani, concluded on 31 October 2001 a 10-day official visit to Colombia at the invitation of the Government.

The purpose of the visit was to assess the situation of human rights defenders, and specifically to examine the legal framework as well as alleged incidents in matters relating to the defence of human rights in the country.

The Special Representative visited Bogotá, Medellin and Barrancabermeja and met, among other Colombian officials, with the President of the Republic of Colombia, the Vice-President and Minister of Defence, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Labour, the President of the High Council of Judicature (Alto Consejo de la Judicatura), the President of the Constitutional Court, the General Prosecutor (Fiscál), the Attorney General (procurador), the Head of the Human Rights Unit in the Police Department and the ombudsman.

During her visit, Ms. Jilani met with a wide-range of human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and a great variety of sectors representing human rights defenders, in particular peasants, indigenous leaders, Afro-Colombians, women, displaced persons, university teachers, students, journalists, gays and lesbians, political parties, trade-unionists and church leaders. In addition to her meetings in Bogotá, Medellin and Barrancabermeja, the Special Representative met with delegations from the following regions and departments: Tolima, Atlantico, Bolivar, Santander, Valle, Cauca, Narinõ, Arauca, Casanare, Putumayo, Cordoba, Cesar, Choco and Uraba.

Ms. Jilani ended her mission with a press conference held in Bogotá on 31 October, in which she gave her first impressions based on the facts and information gathered during her visit. Her final conclusions and recommendations will be contained in a report on the visit to Colombia which will be submitted to the next session of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva (April 2002).

The Special Representative expressed concern, on the basis of information she has received, regarding the following issues:

a pattern of serious abuses committed against human rights defenders in Colombia, which include threats, disappearances, killings and forced displacements. The perpetrators of these attacks are usually the paramilitaries and the guerillas;
the lack of respect of human rights defenders which are subject to public attacks by the media and officials. In this regard, Ms. Jilani called for the effective implementation of Presidential Directive 07, which prohibits public officials from using negative and disrespectful language against human rights NGOs;
the weaknesses of the Colombian justice system which leave space to impunity. In this respect, Ms. Jilani mentioned the importance to guarantee protection to prosecutors, judges, witnesses and victims;
and the preoccupying indications of collusion between the military and the paramilitaries. Ms. Jilani expressed concern over the law on national security and the attempt made to adopt an anti-terrorism strategy. She also expressed preoccupation at military intelligence files containing details on human rights defenders.

The Special Representative recognized that measures have been adopted by the Colombian authorities in order to protect human rights defenders and to improve their situation. Ms. Jilani referred in particular to the protection programme of the Ministry of interior, the Presidential Directive 07 and the different departmental and interdepartmental committees which have been established in order to deal with the issues and carry forward a dialogue with NGOs. However, the Special Representative considered these measures to be insufficient and ineffective in the light of the pattern of violations still targeting human rights defenders.

Finally, the Special Representative urged the Government of Colombia to seriously rethink policies and strategies of war which are responsible for worsening the situation of human rights and are harmful to the democratic structure of the State. Furthermore, Ms. Jilani urged the Government to adopt a more integrated approach towards breaking the cycle of impunity by guaranteeing competence, efficiency, security and independence of all institutions in charge of investigation, prosecution and judicial examination of complaints on human rights violations. Ms. Jilani called upon all parties to the conflict to respect the human rights of the civil population in general and in particular the rights of human rights defenders who work for the promotion and protection of human rights.

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