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Mrs. Radačić

Dr. Radačić holds a PhD in Law from the University of London, an MPhil in Criminological Research from the University of Cambridge and LLMs from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbour and the University of Zagreb. She is a senior research assistant at Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences in Zagreb and a part-time lecturer at the University of Zagreb. Her research and teaching areas are women’s rights; gender equality; human rights; and gender, sexuality and the law. She has published extensively in these areas in leading international journals and books, and she has authored the book Sexual violence – Myths, Stereotypes and the Legal System (TIMpress, 2014). She has taught at various universities in Europe, Central America, Australia and New Zealand. She also teaches at the Women Studies Centre (Zagreb) and the regional Women’s Human Rights Training Institute (Sofia).

Dr. Radačić has cooperated with international institutions and NGOs on human rights research, training and litigation and has been involved with drafting national human rights laws and policies. She also worked at the European Court of Human Rights and has litigated women’s rights cases before it. She is the Council of Europe expert on women’s rights, and has coauthored a training manual for judges on women’s access to justice. She served as an expert member of the Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality.

Dr. Radačić, also a certified Kundalini yoga teacher and practitioner of body-oriented integrated psychotherapy, leads women's circles and gives workshops on female archetypes. She is interested in bridging the gaps between social activism and self-development practices. She plays violoncello and djembe.