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Fifth session of the Forum on Minority Issues


27 - 28 November 2012


Room XX, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland


Implementing the Declaration

The fifth session of the Forum took place on 27 and 28 November 2012 in Room XX of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Ms. Soyata Maiga was appointed as Chair of the fifth session of the Forum that focussed on "Implementing the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities: Identifying positive practices and opportunities".

Over 400 participants took part in this fifth session of the Forum, including United Nations Member States and specialized agencies, intergovernmental and regional organizations, human rights treaty bodies, national human rights institutions, academics and experts as well as civil society actors working on minority issues.

In addition to this wide range of stakeholders, this session brought together persons belonging to minorities who are actively engaged in minority rights advocacy and diverse areas of work related to the protection and promotion of minority rights as well as those working for or experienced in using national institutions with responsibility for minority issues.

Outcome documents

Further information

Side events

Oral statements

I. Opening meeting

II. The Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities: 20 years on

Assigned Speakers


  1. Russian Federation
  1. Balochistan People’s Party
  1. Italy
  1. European Centre for Minority Issues
  1. Austria
  1. Federation of ABTTF
  1. Switzerland
  1. Council of Europe
  1. Norway
  1. Romania

III. Perspectives from young minority rights advocates on the Declaration

Assigned Speakers

IV. Practical use of the Declaration: identification of good practices and positive measures

Assigned Speakers - Part A

Participants - Part A

  1. Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan
  1. Permanent Mission of Viet Nam
  1. Observatory of Linguistic Rights
  1. Permanent Mission of Austria
  1. Permanent Mission
  1. Afriforum
  1. Permanent Mission of Greece
  1. NGO
  1. Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association
  1. Permanent Mission of Switzerland
  1. Ahwaz Studies Center (Ahwazi Human Rights Organization, Ahro)
  1. The Global People of Champa Descent Organisation
  1. University Johanneum Graz
  1. Citizens advice bureau Coscentia
  1. Office for Human and Minority Rights – Republic of Serbia
  1. YASA Kurdish Center for Legal Studies
  1. Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic
  1. Local Democracy Agency Brtonigla
  1. Permanent Mission of Finland

Assigned Speakers – Part B

Participants - Part B

  1. Lithuania without racism
  1. Permanent Mission of Norway
  1. Insituto Nacional de lenguas Indigenas, Mexico (National Institute of Indigenous languages)
  1. National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria
  1. Ahwaz Education and Human Rights Organization
  1. Permanent Mission of Hungary
  1. Sustainable Development Policy Institute of Pakistan
  1. Permanent Mission of United States
  1. Ogaden Welfare Association
  1. Permanent mission of Canada
  1. Heal Africa Trust
  1. Permanent Mission of Romania
  1. Association of Human Rights (of Kurdish of Iran)
  1. Permanent Mission of Colombia

V. Challenges and problems encountered in the practical implementation of the Declaration

Assigned Speakers – Part A

Participants – Part A

  1. World Barua Organization
  1. Centre for Human Rights and Peace Advocacy
  1. European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy
  1. ARA JPD
  1. United Copts of Great Britain
  1. International Office of Champa
  1. Al Kalema Center for Human Rights
  1. Eurolang – European Language Equality Network
  1. Association pour la Promotion de la Francophonie en Flandre asbe
  1. World Uyghur Congress
  1. St. Elizabeth University, Bratislava Refugee Project
  1. Global Rights
  1. Western Thrace Minority University Graduates Association
  1. Permanent Mission of Colombia
  1. Permanent Mission of China
  1. Association “Lithuania without racism”
  1. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)

Assigned Speakers – Part B

Participants – Part B

  1. Search for Common Ground, Nigeria
  1. Humanitarian Organization “Icumbi”
  1. Women’s Association of Drosero “The Hope”
  1. Permanent Mission of Switzerland
  1. Balochistan Peoples Party
  1. PROMO-LEX Association, Republic of Moldova
  1. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (Montenegro)
  1. Permanent Mission of Poland
  1. Assyrian Universal Alliance
  1. Council of Europe
  1. Universala Esperanto – Asociacion
  1. Danish Institute for Human Rights
  1. Permanent Mission of Egypt
  1. African Rights Monitor
  1. Permanent Mission of Armenia
  1. IRA-Mauritania
  1. People’s Empowerment Foundation
  1. Suaram

VI. Consideration of future opportunities, initiatives and further possibilities for raising awareness of the Declaration, and ensuring its practical implementation

Assigned Speakers – Part A

Participants – Part A

  1. Permanent Mission of Slovenia
  1. Elen-European Language Equality Network, France
  1. Permanent Mission of Nepal
  1. Freedom Front, South Africa
  1. The Indonesian National Commission on Violence Against Women
  1. European Union of Coptic Organization for Human Rights
  1. Institute of Commonwealth Studies
  1. Ogaden Youth and Student Union
  1. Conseil Suisse Associations Jeunesse (CSAJ/SAJV)
  1. National Dalit Movement for Justice
  1. Strengthening Participatory Organization
  1. Permanent Mission of Hungary
  1. Woman of Purpose
  1. Minority Rights Group
  1. Tamaynut Organization
  1. Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
  1. National Commission of Human Rights of Korea
  1. Permanent Mission of Venezuela
  1. European Roma Policy Centre
  1. Permanent Mission of Indonesia

Assigned Speakers – Part B

Participants – Part B

  1. Asociacion Miraismo Internacional
  1. Permanent Mission of Thailand
  1. International Kurdish Union
  1. Permanent Mission of Mauritania
  1. Secretariat of Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights
  1. Permanent Mission of South Africa
  1. Permanent Mission of Italy
  1. Permanent Mission of the United States of America
  1. Permanent Mission of Greece
  1. Association of Human Rights of Kurdistan of Iran-Geneva
  1. Permanent Mission of Finland
  1. Instituto National de lenguas Indigenas, México (National Institute of Indigenous languages)
  1. Centre for Human Rights Peace & Advocacy
  1. Assyrian Universal Alliance
  1. IRA- Mauritania
  1. People’s Empowerment Foundation
  1. Ahwaz Human Rights Organization
  1. World Barua Organization
  1. Permanent Mission of Colombia
  1. Permanent Mission of Switzerland

VIII. Concluding remarks

  • Remarks by the Chairperson of the Forum on Minority Issues
  • Remarks by the Independent Expert on Minority Issues