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Thematic reports

A/HRC/49/32: Intersessional seminar on the challenges and opportunities of young people in the field of human rights - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights


10 December 2021

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The report summarizes the contributions made by panellists, States, youth-led and youth-focused organizations as well as other civil society organizations during the full-day intersessional seminar, and the conclusions and recommendations identified.
The report describes the challenges and discrimination encountered by youth in gaining access to their rights, including:

  • Participation in politics and public decision-making
  • Transitioning from education to decent work
  • Access to healthcare services, in particular sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Conscientious objection to military service
  • Transitioning to autonomy in vulnerable situations: young migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees; young people in conflict with the law; youth with disabilities

Moreover, the report considers youth mainstreaming in human rights mechanisms and next steps on youth and human rights at the international level.
Based on the presentations, statements and discussion during the event, the report concludes that young people face specific barriers and challenges in the realization of their human rights by virtue of their age, and that the COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated pre-existing inequalities.

The report provides recommendations for the consideration of:

  • Member States on promoting the realization of human rights for youth at the national level;
  • UN Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures mandate holders for collaborating and engaging with young people and youth-led organizations, in order to obtain information on the human rights challenges of youth;
  • The Human Rights Council on possible methods to promote youth participation in intergovernmental human rights processes, as well as potential measures to advance the rights of young people at the international level.

Further information about the intersessional seminar, including the Concept Note, Programme as well as statements made by panellists and participants are available on the event page.

Key findings and recommendations

Issued By:

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Delivered To:

UN Human Rights Council at its 49th session
