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Draft Guidelines on the establishment of independent monitoring frameworks and on their participation in the work of the Committee

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Issued by Treaty bodies


Persons with disabilities

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Since 2009, when it was established, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has regularly interacted with independent Monitoring Frameworks and National Human Rights Institutions which monitor the implementation of the Convention.

Since then they have made effective contributions to the Committee’s reporting and inquiry procedures. In September 2014, the Committee held its first meeting with National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and independent Monitoring Frameworks to discuss ways in which monitoring activities of the Convention at the national and international levels could be mutually reinforced. In the aftermath of this meeting, the Committee decided to prepare guidelines on the establishment of independent monitoring frameworks and their participation in the work of the Committee. Between September 2014 and November 2015, several informal consultations and one formal consultation took place with the purpose of collecting the views of independent monitoring frameworks on the content of the guidelines , the timeframe of the drafting process as well as the modalities of the consultation process.

During its fifteenth session (29 March- 21 April, 2016) , the Committee adopted draft guidelines on the establishment of Independent Monitoring Frameworks and their participation in the work of the Committee, and decided to engage with external stakeholders in an open consultation process on the draft guidelines. All interested and concerned parties were invited to provide comments before 22 June 2016 to the Secretary of the Committee.

Draft Guidelines on the establishment of independent monitoring frameworks in the work of the Committee (Word)

Projet de lignes directrices sur la mise en place de cadres indépendants de surveillance et de leur participation aux travaux du Comité (Word)

Borrador de Directrices sobre el establecimiento de mecanismos de vigilancia independientes y su participación en los procedimientos del Comité (Word)