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14° período de sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos (31 de mayo - 18 de junio de 2010)


Informe de la reunión (Informe del período de sesiones)

Informe del 14° período de sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos (A/HRC/14/37)


The hazard of toxic wastes on human rights
At the Human Rights Council in Geneva, panellists discuss the impact on human rights of the movement and dumping of toxic wastes
Protection of journalists in armed conflicts
The Human Rights Council is told of increasing violence directed at journalists. Governments are urged to ensure the safety of journalists covering conflicts.
A Rights-based approach to preventing maternal death and injury
Human Rights Chief: States are obliged under international human rights law to respect, protect and fulfil human rights related to pregnancy and childbirth
Girls have a right to know
The international community is urged to redouble its resolve to strengthen equality in education and ensure equal access to school for both boys and girls.
Independent Expert: Cultural Rights enrich universal human rights
Independent Expert in the field of cultural rights Farida Shaheed outlines the challenges of this new mandate in her first report to the Human Rights Council.
Survivors of human trafficking – breaking the silence
The rights of victims should be at the centre of actions to prevent human trafficking.
Principled pragmatism – the way forward for business and human rights
The Secretary-General’s Special Representative on business, John Ruggie updates the Human Rights Council on the human rights framework for business.
Human Rights Council holds urgent debate
Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva holds an urgent debate following the Israeli military interception of ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.
The Human Rights Council opens 14th session
The Human Rights Council opens its 14th regular session in Geneva for 3 weeks of review and discussion on thematic and country specific human rights issues.

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