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Ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 28 Aug 1991

Ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict on 11 Jul 2005

Ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography on 03 Jul 2003


  1. On September 2-6, 2019, thematic lessons "I Have a Right!" will be held simultaneously at the general secondary educational institutions all over Ukraine. The main purpose of those activities is to inform the pupils in an entertaining and interactive way about the rights which are guaranteed to everyone under the Convention, as well as how to exercise them and protect, if the rights are violated.
  2. On September 16-20, 2019 an Anti-bullying Week – a complex event aimed at simultaneous and comprehensive work on anti-bullying in schools will be held throughout the territory of Ukraine. During the Anti-bullying Week, open lessons dedicated to the problem of bullying, mass events, flash mobs and informational events with the participation of representatives of the National Police of Ukraine, public organizations and celebrities will be held at schools.
  3. Within the framework of All-Ukrainian Law Week on December 09, 2019, an All-Ukrainian Human Rights Lesson will be organized and held at secondary education institutions. During the Lesson the issues of international legal standards in the field of human rights protection, the concept and essence of human rights, basic mechanisms of their protection will be covered
  4. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, in partnership with other organizations, will draft materials well-adjusted for children to describe in an accessible manner the key provisions of the Convention. For example, the Ministry has already developed information materials the “Children's Rights Map” to help children learn the rights guaranteed by the Convention and how to exercise and protect them.
  5. On November 20, 2019 the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine will conduct the all-Ukrainian interactive test for children "What Do You Know About the Convention?", as well as an all-Ukrainian photo, video and illustrations competition: "How I Understand the Convention" among the young Ukrainians.
  6. The system of providing free legal aid, together with the partners, plan to carry out a nationwide information campaign that will cover all the territory of Ukraine by means of informing through mass media, their own sites and sites of partner institutions, social networks, etc. and to conduct one-stop-shop legal awareness activities from major cities to the most remote corners of the country.

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Read additional information (May 2020) (PDF)