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Ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 11 May 1993

Ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict on 22 October 2003

Ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children child prostitution and child pornography on 22 February 2008


  1. Provide social protection without discrimination.
  2. A Juvenile Protection Team (OPA) has been set up in each municipality.
  3. The National Child Protection Line has been established with the free use of the short number > on a 24-hour daily basis.
  4. The Ombudsman's responsibilities were redefined and his mission extended to the field of protection and promotion of the rights of the child.
  5. A financial support program for families is being implemented.
  6. Child Access to Preschool Care and Education Units (Nursery, Nursery and Child Care Centers, Child Employment Units) as well as Children's Creative Employment Centers and Nursing Home Care for Children of vulnerable families.
  7. With the introduction of Law 4538/2018 “Measures to Promote Institutions of Accession and Adoption and Other Provisions” are introduced provisions aimed at faster and more efficient management of applications for foster and prospective parents and registration of minors residing in closed care, with the aim of de-institutionalizing them. In addition, it is envisaged to create a National Register of Minors which lists minors who are placed in childcare and care units or are to be placed in foster parenting or to be adopted.
  8. Elaboration of a legislative framework for unaccompanied and separated minors, which was legislated by Law 4554/2018 (A130). Under this law, ministerial decisions have been taken to regulate matters such as the Register of Unaccompanied Minors, the Register of Professional Commissioners and the Center for Hosting, as well as a decision on Professional Commissioners (defining their required formal and substantive qualifications and other details). Further, a tripartite agreement was signed between the Ministry of Labor, Social Security & Social Solidarity, the UNHCR and the NGO METAdrasi, to implement a transitional committee program from the 1st January 2019 until the end of 2019. This program aims to meet the needs of a committee of unaccompanied minors residing in Greece (in protective care, in Reception & Identification Centers, in hospitals, accommodation centers, semi-detached apartments and in emergency housing solutions, such as hotels and secure accommodation) and the smooth and gradual transition to the new context.

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