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  1. Advocacy for Inclusion
  2. Alliance Defending Freedom
  3. Amnesty International
  4. Andalucia ACOGE
  5. ASF
  6. Association des Femmes Juristes du Tchad, member of International Women Alliance
  7. Aurat Foundation and War Against Rape
  8. Ban Ying Conseling and Coordination Center against Trafficking in Persons
  9. Cambodian Defenders Project
  10. Canadian Human Rights Commission
  11. Center for Reproductive Rights
  12. CLADEM
  13. Conseil National des Droits de l'Homme
  14. Corporación Humanas
  15. DNI Costa Rica
  16. Equality Now
  17. European Group of National Human Rights Institutions
  18. FAO
  19. FIAN International
  20. FIZ
  21. Global Action to Prevent War
  22. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
  23. Global Justice Center
  24. Greek National Commission for Human Rights
  25. Harm Reduction International
  26. Human Rights Watch
  27. ICJ
  28. ICJ-FES
  30. ILO
  31. Immigrant Council of Ireland
  32. International Dalit Solidarity Network
  33. International Disability Alliance
  34. International Women's Development Agency
  35. Ipas
  36. IWRAW Asia Pacific
  37. Jeanne Sarson & Linda MacDonald
  38. Joint NGO submission on Domestic Workers of Diplomats
  39. KARAT Coalition
  40. Minority Rights Group International
  42. Penal Reform International
  43. Platform International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
  44. Priests for Life
  46. South African Statement
  47. Spanish General Council for the Judiciary
  48. UNHCR & Annex
  49. UNICEF
  50. UNODC
  51. UN Women, Executive Summary & Report
  52. UK Women's Resource Center
  53. WESCR Working Group
  54. Widows for peace through democracy
  55. Women Enabled, Inc.
  56. Women's Legal and Human Rights Bureau
  57. Women's Legal Services NSW

*/The views expressed in the submissions online are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Committee.